Imperial Love part 1

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As the sun rises over the Eastern side of the Appayao mountains, the chickens in which are domesticated there for poultry started to make their common sound in the morning.

Chicken's POV


(Tagalog: GISING NA!!!) (English: WAKE UP!!!)

Narrator's POV

To the locals, they where awaken immediately but to the foreigners such as the Ship girls, Honkai impact soldiers and the Girls frontline where pissed because it was evening for their time. For the Japanese how ever, they where awake ever since 5:00 due to they are 1 hour away from the Philippines. As for Martial Law, he went out of his hut and grabbed his pistol to go scouting for a while. But to prevent his soldiers from worrying if he was gone or not.

Martial's letter

Mga kababayan ko, huwag kayong magulat kung nawala ako. Sapagkat ako ay umalis lamang upang magmasid sa kalaban. Babalik ako bago gumabi.

(My brethren, don't be surprised of I'm gone. For I left to spy on the enemy. I will be back before the light is gone.)

Narrator's POV

While Martial Law was starting to go to the front gate, he was blocked by his older brother. Del Pilar. Del Pilar was not happy Martial is always doing things solo and risking his own life for nothing but the war effort. 

Del Pilar's POV

Gusto mo na ba mamatay?

(Do you want to die?)

Martial Law's POV

Nais ko lang naman magmasid. Hindi ako masasaktan kuya. *tries to get past him*

(I just want to espionage. I won't be harmed kuya.)

Del Pilar's POV

Paniguraduhin mo ha. *walks away*

(Better make sure of that.)

Martial Law's mind

Walang pangako! 

(No promises!)

Narrator's POV

As Martial Law was walking down the hill, he also grabbed a coconut along the way just in case he gets thirsty or hungry. He then runs to the surrounding tree line where he knows he will be safe and hidden from enemy scout planes. As the hours pass by, Martial Law was starting to get bored because there was no Japanese in sight. Just as he was starting to head home, he heard someone talking in the woods. He climbed a tall but densely covered mango tree where he can shoot and run anytime he needs.

Supreme Author's POV

Since Martial Law can't speak Japanese, he can't understand what they are saying so no translations for now.

Japanese soldier1

ねぇ、いつそこに着くの?基地を出てから 1 時間経ちましたが、ここでは安心できません。

Japanese Soldier2


Japanese Soldier1


Japanese Soldier2


*at the tree*

Martial Law's POV

*whispers* Anong sinasabi nila?

(What are they saying?)

Narrator's POV

After waiting for a few more minutes he aimed his rifle at the enemy and steadied his breath and shot the first one. The first Japanese Soldier fell dead on the ground. As the second one went running, Martial Law reloads and aims his rifle at the enemy soldier and shot him in the heart right near the main artery.

 Martial Law's POV

Heart shot puta!

Narrator's POV

But due as always, Martial Law's lack of the sense of self awareness caused him to give away his position. Then suddenly an entire Japanese attack force came in to try and flank him out. Fortunately, Martial Law noticed this and managed to escape for 15 meters away from the enemy. Unaware of his movements however, Imperial Japan was quite angry when her soldiers found nothing.

Imperial Japan's POV

何も見つからない とはどういう意味ですか?死んだ兵士を取りに行こう!さもなくば全員斬首するぞ!

(What do you mean by nothing found? Let's go get the dead soldiers! Or I'll decapitate all of you!)

Japanese Soldiers

*runs in fear to find the one who killed her men*

Imperial Japan's POV


(Useless rats!)

*shuffling bushes*

Imperial Japan's POV



Narrator's POV

As she turns around she sees a short dark figure of a man wearing a General's uniform running to a thick tree line.

Imperial Japan's POV

君は!止まる!*runs after the person*

(You! Stop!)


Ayaw ko!

(I don't want to!)

Imperial Japan's mind



Narrator's POV

She chased him through the woods for around 34 minutes. She was getting tired so she started to fire at him. She went through 9 magazines and the last shot hit him in the leg. The man tripped over and fell on a root of a mangrove and fell splat on the ground. She stopped 5 feet away while pointing at the man. When she got into hearing range, she was hit by a barrage of loud screaming from the man.


Putang ina! ANG SAKIT!!!

(Son of a whore! IT HURTS!!!)

Imperial Japan's POV

Who are you? *points the gun*


Would it benefit you if you knew? *grabs his leg*

Imperial Japan's POV

Of course it would! Now talk!

Martial Law's POV

I am Head General Martial Law of the Philippine army! I served in the 51st infantry brigade in the Philippine Revolution and served as Head General from the Philippine American war until the present day! I am one of the 3 Katipunero brothers and the 2nd youngest of the family! My step brother is Head General Llanera of the Philippine Navy!

Imperial Japan's POV

Then you are a very high valued target then. *straps her pistol back into it's casing* You're coming with me! *lifts Martial Law on her back*

Martial Law's POV



Imperial Japan's POV

I don't know what you just said but I did tell you I would really benefit with you saying you're name didn't I? *giggles*

Martial Law's POV

*points middle finger* Bobo! *slaps self*


Imperial Japan's Mind



To be continued...

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