Eduardo and Shinitaisho

47 3 13

Narrator's POV

After the American forces settled into the villages of Apayao, the Filipino forces where still on look out (not because the Americans don't want to but the Filipinos voluntarily agreed and also due to Filipino's capability on jungle warfare) for Japanese enemies capable of taking down an entire force of American and Filipino base. By Llanera's area, he is still at the center of the room calming himself down while meditating. But due to America's planes hovering above Manila at night, he noticed that they needed a lot more reinforcements if they are going to occupy Manila from the Japanese. 

America' POV

Hey Martial! Do you think you can handle a few more reinforcements?

Martial Law's POV

Yeah, sure... *roles yes*

Narrator's POV

Since more and more reinforcements where arriving, more and more resources, food and shelter are used to support the incoming arrivals. But due to the limited supply of resources, the Filipinos themselves resist the sensation to eat. And to make matters worse, Sinitaisho's sexual desires are driving Eduardo crazy. You see, ever since Eduardo and Paco managed o persuade Llanera from allowing his brothers and Rusca from killing the imprisoned Japanese, Sinitaisho is utterly forever grateful to Eduardo so, she forces him to have sex with her every night. 

Author's POV

Yeah, unlike condoms existed before... 

Narrator's POV

Hey! They existed ever since the 15th century stupid! Now back in the portal and keep writing!

Author's POV

YOU JUST BROKE THE FUCKING FOURTH WALL!!!! **sigh* Just shut up and keep talking... *returns*

Narrator's POV

Sorry! I will pay for the repairs after I finish here! Now back to the story. They had no condoms so now Martial Law was just praying that Sinitaisho has a way of not getting pregnant or just avoid pregnancy all together. Meanwhile at Eduardo's hut...

Shinitaisho's POV

Konichiwa! *giggles* You do know what I want, right?


Eduardo's POV

Siguro naman hindi na muna. Sakit na ng tagiliran ko. 

(Maybe not for now. My side hurts.)

Sinitaisho's POV

Hm? Masakit? Sige na nga. *dissapointed tone* Halika dito, masahehin ko.

(Hmm? Does it hurt? Alright. Come here, I'll massage you.)

Eduardo's POV

Salamat. *walks to her*

Sinitaisho's POV 

Here, how does this feel? *massages him at the upper left rib*

Eduardo's POV

A little to the back.

Sinitaisho's POV

*massages him a the upper left of the back* How about now?

Eduardo's POV

Ah yes. That's the area.

Sinitaisho's POV

So! How is your day?

Eduardo's POV

Well, let me explain it.


Narrator/Eduardo's POV

It was mid-afternoon when me and my friends where camping at a small hill at the foothold of Mt. Lungod. We where just scouting at the Japanese farther North but we where on a area without any cover. So we where not surprised to be spotted by a AM Zero around the North West. It opened fire on us and on of us was hurt minorly due to the shrapnel. We all managed to return here by a miracle. If we did not managed to get to the trees in time then we could have been killed in action. So before w went back to base, we just treated our friend and went home. 

*End of Flashback*

Eduardo's POV

How about you?

Sinitaisho's POV

I'm fine! Actually, I am just happy to see you! Even though we are enemies , we can still be lovers. 

Eduardo's POV

Well, I just had mercy so you can say that.

Sinitaisho's POV

But I want sex! *pouts*

Eduardo's POV

Next time Sinitaisho. Next time.

To be continued...

I will write about the incoming reinforcements in the next chapter. I will also writ about Llanera's condition under custody one day...

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