Siege of Manila act2

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On the morning of September 14, 1945. Many soldiers both Allies and Axis soldiers gathered to either defend or attack the capital city of the Philippines. How ever, the special units are running late due to Japanese aggression. Filipino forces that gathered near the hill side have readied their "lantaka" cannons (larger ones) to try and stop both infantry and armored reinforcements. The main force of combined Filipino and Americans are at the South of Intramuros ready to catch the enemy off guard. 

Martial Law's POV

How longer?

America's POV

A few more and the special unit will be here.

Del Pilar's POV

Ang tagal!
(So long!)

America's POV


Del Pilar's POV

Nothing what's up with you!

America's POV

*middle fingers Del Pilar*

Del Pilar's POV

*unsheathes Kampilan as far as the thumb can go*

America's POV

Nope! Not going with that sh*t!

Del Pilar's POV

Then Shut up!

Raiden's POV

Sir! We are here at last! Just got intercepted by a bunch of Japanese.

America's POV

And casualties?

Raiden's POV

Just a few scratches.

America's POV

Good. And also. Del, how is your brother doing and where is his location?

Del Pilar's POV

See that long line of concrete there? The one with the metal bars as windows. My men and my brother is there. Bomb that place and you are good as dead. *readies the war declaration*

America's POV

Yeah yeah whatsoever. *radios Yorktown*

Manila Bay 

America through radio

Yorktown. CV-5 Yorktown. Do you copy?

Yorktown's POV

*grabs the radio* I copy go ahead.

America trough radio

Bomb the harbor along side the other carriers. After that, tell the Battleships to unleash Hell on the enemy base. Once all is done, send in the amphibious platoons.

Yorktown's POV

Copy that Sir. Over and out. *closes the radio* Girls! Dive bombers to the harbor! Sink as many as you can!

Aircraft carriers

Yes Ma'am!

Southern gate

Narrator's POV

Tatlong daang tanke, limang daang eroplano, dalawang daang tagapag bomba at mahigit dalawang daang libong sundalong Hapon!

(Three hundred tanks, five hundred fighters, two hundred bombers and two hundred thousand or more Japanese soldiers.)

Rusca's POV

Patay na tayo. Meron lamang tayong mahigit apat na pung libo na sundalo sa ating panig!

(We are dead. We only have forty thousand soldiers on our side!)

Eduardo's POV

Huwag mo kalimutan ang mga tauhan na galing sa ibang mundo. *looks at the Honkai and Girls frontline units*

(Don't forget the soldiers from the other world.)

Paco's POV

Anong oras na ba?

(What time is it?)

Eduardo's POV

Hating gabi na. Pwedena! Salakayin na natin! 

(Midnight. That's fine! Let's attack them now!)

Paco's POV

Disiplina! Hintayin mo na mabomba na ang kalaban bago sumalakay!

(Discipline! Wait until the enemy is bombed before attacking!)

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