Chapter 17 - Blood debt (3)

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"What happened?" Roran asked.

Kamil didn't answer him. Instead, she tended to Murrin's wounds, dabbing blood from his face and nose.

Licking his lips, Roran repeated, "What happened?" Louder this time.

"Oh hush boy," said Murrin, not looking at him. "We'll talk about it later."

"No," said Roran, his anger rising. "We'll talk about it now. I just saved your life, I would like an answer. Why did you have my marker medallion?"

"He was trying to sneak out of the dungeons with it," said Kamil, opening a tub of healing salve. "He thought he looked enough like you that it would work. I warned him against it but he's an idiot."

"How did you get it?"

"I slipped it out of your pocket," said Sephyr, coming up to join them. "Murrin asked me to sneak it out of your pocket after you were asleep."

"Why? What were you trying to accomplish?"

"Nothing boy!" Murrin snapped at him, wincing at the exertion. More softly, he said, "Just leave it."

"You should tell him," said Kamil, "He can help."

"Help with what?"

Murrin reached into his pocket and pulled out a small satchel. "Help with this," he said, "I was going to find that swordsman, Morena, and give him this."

Roran took the satchel and examined it. It felt like it was full of ground herbs. He started to undo the top.

"No!" Murrin and Kamil yelled at once, making Roran jump.

"Don't open it you stupid boy!" said Murrin. "Just find that swordsman and give it to him."

"Why, what does it do?"

"Don't ask questions, just do as you're told."

"Tell him it's tea," said Kamil, "Get him to drink some."

"Yes, tell him it's a gift from your town," said Murrin, "That it's a specialty. Make up a story about how you don't want him to kill you and it's a peace offering."

"Morena isn't that stupid," said Roran, "He won't accept this from me."

"Fine, then just put some in his drink. It's a fine powder, it should dissolve."

Kamil winced and shook her head. "It won't dissolve, it's mostly leaves."

Murrin rolled his eyes. "Then just wait until he's drunk. I don't care, just get him to drink the damn stuff. You can't beat him on your own. You're too weak and pathetic, you proved that today, this will give you a chance at winning."

Roran opened his mouth to speak, a hundred questions burning in his mind. Changing his mind, he closed his mouth and said, "Okay."

"You'll do it?" Murrin asked, suddenly hopeful. "I thought you would refuse. You'll actually do it?"

"Yes," said Roran. "I'll find Morena and get him to drink it. I don't know how but I'll make it work."

"That's a good boy. See, I knew you were my son. Just be careful that you don't breathe any."

"Okay. I'll be careful."

"Good, good. You should go now. It's past dinner time so a bastard like him should be drinking. Go make me proud."

"I will," said Roran.

Turning back to the door, Roran whistled. He stuck his arm out between the bars and waved, catching the attention of the warden. While the warden started lumbering down the hallway, Roran looked back to Murrin. He was settling onto the ground with a pleased look on his face. Sephyr was standing there awkwardly, a few feet away, looking ashamed. Kamil was wringing her hands, looking at the ground. She glanced up, briefly, to see Roran staring at her and quickly looked away.

The warden arrived and opened the door. Roran flashed him the marker medallion out of habit. Murrin actually smiled and waved at Roran as he left, content that he was going to seek out Morena and dose him with the mystery substance.

Roran left the Crucible and walked out into the cool night air, the stars twinkling high above. He did not go find Morena, he didn't even bother looking. Instead, Roran went straight towards Kell's apartment.

The city was extra crowded. There were more stalls lining the streets and more people milling about. Flying lanterns drifted above the city, little candles propelling them into the air. Off in the distance, Roran heard music playing. The whole city was alive and cheerful.

When he had almost reached Kell's apartment, he heard a familiar voice shout, "I told you!"

Turning around, he was surprised to find Kell and Karyn. Both of them had wet hair and were slightly flushed, likely from staying in the bath too long. Karyn was wearing a new, flowing dress while Kell looked like she always did. What surprised him was that Karyn was sitting on Kell's shoulders.

"Hey," said Roran.

"Hey, small world," said Kell, grinning.

"It's not a small world," said Karyn, flicking Kell's head. "I told you he would be heading towards your place. We could have met him at the Crucible if you'd listened to me."

Kell shrugged. "It's fine, we found him. So now what, oh great fortune teller?"

"Now we go back to your place and do stuff."

Kell blinked at Karyn. "That statement leaves a lot of room for interpretation."

"Oh not that, don't be obnoxious. I mean Crucible things, life and death things. You know, Roran things."

"Is that true?" asked Kell, looking at Roran. "Are we going to do life and death things?"

"Maybe, I don't know yet. But I do want to talk to Nul and possibly Karyn."

"Great, let's head back to my place and we can figure it out over some wine."

"Yeah, um, quick question."

"What's up?"

"Why are you carrying Karyn?"

"Ugh!" Karyn rolled her eyes. "She's been like this all night. She came up to me out of the blue, stuffed a bunch of coin into my hands, and told me that I was hers for the next two days. Then she picked me up and hasn't let go of me since."

"Hey, it's not my fault you're so huggable! If you don't want me to carry you around then don't be so cute all the time."

Roran snorted with laughter while Karyn growled and pouted at Kell. Recovering a little, Roran said, "Thank you Kell, I owe you."

Kell waved away the comment. "You don't owe me anything. Besides, I'm rather fond of her myself. No way I'm going to let that lunatic harm her."

"What in the abyss are you two talking about! Will one of you please explain what's going on."

"We'll talk at my place," said Kell. "Come on."

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