| acknowledgement |

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First of all, thank you so much everyone for reading this story. When I started writing His Inconvenient Bride, I had never thought it would receive so much love from the people. I am really grateful for it.

I still remember how I stumbled upon the plot one day and wrote a rough draft on the paper and then boom! It started. I still don't understand how it acquired the initial readers because I didn't have that much of a reach. But I guess destiny works in the most mysterious ways.

When the idea of this story first came into my mind, I always wanted a theme around friendship. I always read stories of best friends falling in love, then those tiring love triangles. Here, I wanted to show that best friends can stay best friends forever and that for a person like Akanksha, her friendship was above any relationship in the world, even love.

If love is the most cherished emotion in the world, friendship is too.

This story helped me in a lot of ways and I will forever be grateful for every good and bad that happened while I was writing this one. I never thought I would have a deep side to myself, something that I had never explored.

With every chapter, I gained a new kind of confidence, a new audience and a lot more love. There were days where I didn't feel like writing, but your love for this story made me push through my dormant phase.

This story will always remain close to my heart as it reflects my own personal journey. I was seventeen about to turn eighteen in my twelfth grade when I started this. I had hit my rock bottom when I fell into depression as I took a gap year but writing this story kept me at ease. And now two years later, I am nineteen about to turn twenty and I have started with my college as I ended this story. Everything turned for the better and I am so happy.

I never imagined I would complete a story. The feeling is surreal. So, thanks to you all, I am finally ending this story which I started writing in the lockdown.

I will cherish all those kind messages in the comments, message board and PMs. This means so much to me and you all don't know how many times I have cried reading your kind words. I will always be humble about your love and support and strive to do better.

As this journey ends, we begin a new one.  Every Flame is up for you guys to read so don't forget to add it in your respective libraries and reading lists.

Alright, I am getting emotional and I should end this here. Thank you so much again, from the bottom of my heart.

With Love,


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