Chapter 8

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I looked up, my expression carefully guileless. "Huh?"

Faith stepped inside the room. "I don't buy it. You're going to tackle this disaster area out of the goodness of your heart?"

Setting down my pen, I blinked, frowning like I was confused. "What?"

It's so easy to play dumb with someone who's already convinced that you're an idiot.

Faith sighed, rolling her eyes. "Look, are you getting some sort of sick thrill out of this?"

My confusion became genuine. "No? What are you talking about, Faith?"

She stared at me for a brief eternity. "I'm talking about how weird it is that my 'friend', is going to be digging through my parents' things."

I heard the implied air quotes around "friend" and fought my irritation. "Faith, you're worried that I'm gonna, what? Gossip?" I shook my head. "You know I would never."

Faith's eyebrow quirked up. "Okay. So, if this isn't about snooping through my family's dirty laundry, what is it?"

I shrugged. "Mom and I spend a lot of time doing this stuff anyway. Like, depending on whatever is in those totes over there," I pointed to the daunting polyethylene tower, "I'm going to earn a couple hundred bucks from, like, a few extra hours of work."

Faith scoffed. "I don't get it. There is not enough money on this planet to make me do this job."

Coming from Faith, a girl who'd never been employed in her life, who'd never needed to get a job, never had to toil and degrade herself for minimum wage, the comment rankled.

I tossed my notebook on the ugly, purple couch. "It's easier than working at the store." Faith wouldn't last a day in retail, but the thought of her trying made me want to laugh out loud.

Faith sighed. "Whatever. If this is really how you're choosing to spend your afternoons, go nuts. I've got a date to get to."

I turned, looking her up and down. "Oh? Who's the lucky guy?"

"Zane," she said, naming Scott's best friend. "I told him that I needed help studying for the Calc retake." Walking up to the massive, gilded mirror, she primped.

I watched her, wondering if Zane had even interested her before Scott's rejection.

"Oh. Well, have fun! I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

Her lips curved into a smirk. "Oh, yeah. Zane and I will be having plenty of fun." Spinning on her heel, she walked out, calling "Later!" over her shoulder.

I watched her go, smug smile growing on my face.

Faith's desperate quest for dick had a delightfully unintended consequence.

While she was busy seducing a tall, gawky teenager with an out-of-control dandruff problem, I'd be alone.

In her house.

With her father...

At the sound of the garage door closing, I stood, grinning, and walked toward the stairs.

On the first floor, I found Jason seated at the breakfast bar, the reading glasses on his face reflecting the bright screen of his laptop.

Walking up to him, I said, "Hey, I need you."

"About damned time," he muttered, setting his glasses aside before turning on the barstool and pulling me into his arms.

Dodging his lips, I leaned back, teasing him. "Uh, excuse you – I'm here in a professional capacity."

He cocked an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"The furniture? I can't move that shit around by myself."

His hand trailed down my body until he gripped my ass. "It can wait."

I darted in, planting a quick peck on his cheek before slipping out of his grasp. "Business before pleasure."


"Mr. Coleman," I chided, "the sooner you help me move those ugly fucking couches, the sooner you get to find out what kind of underwear I'm wearing."

The annoyed smolder in his gaze had me biting my lip. Turning, I put a little extra swing in my hips as I walked toward the stairs, knowing that he wouldn't be far behind me.

In His Bed (18+)Where stories live. Discover now