Chapter 25

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The next morning, any plans I had for rampant debauchery were sidelined when my mother said, "Don't forget, we need to be at your grandparents' at four."

Looking up from my coffee, I asked, "What?"

Mom set down her toast. "It's been weeks since you've been to Sunday dinner, so you're coming today – no excuses."

"But I've got work. Also, I was going to go to Faith's to clean up their storage room-"

"Your shift ends at one, and Faith's junk can wait."


"Hailey, I'm putting my foot down – you're going to see your grandparents." As she turned back to her breakfast, she muttered under her breath, "It's not like they're going to be around forever."

The modest single-story home wore a red brick façade with yellowing siding and a roof in need of repairs. It sat on a tiny patch of earth that made up the front lawn and the fenced-in back yard that I had spent most of my childhood playing in.

Taking the rolls out of the backseat, I followed Mom through the front door.

"Is that you, Denise?" A woman with short, grey hair had her back to us as she stood over a cutting board, slicing vegetables.

"Yes, Mom. I've got Hailey with me."

"Hailey?" She turned, wiping her hands on a towel, "Good grief, baby – get over here and give me a hug!"

Striding across the living room into the cozy kitchen, I let myself be enveloped in her embrace. "Hi, Grandma."

Behind me, Mom asked, "Where's Dad?"

Grandma nodded toward the short, shadowed hallway. "Resting – doctor's orders."

Doctor's orders...

The reminder lent a coldness to the air.

After a heart attack and emergency bypass surgery, my normally vital grandfather had been forced to slow down and recover.

Guilt settled over me as memories of that night flooded in.

The midnight phone call.

Mom rushing into my room to wake me up.

The surreal no-man's-land of the waiting room.

As I closed my eyes, I could still see him in that hospital bed, tubes and wires sticking out of him in the aftermath.

For a moment, the phantom odor of hospital disinfectant overpowered the warm comfort of Grandma's cooking.


Shaking myself out of my memories, I asked, "What?"

"Would you go wake him up? He'll want to catch up with his favorite grandchild."

I snorted, walking back into the living room. "Unless Mom's been keeping some major secrets, I'm pretty sure I'm his only grandchild."

And I haven't visited in a month...

Self-loathing twisted in my gut.

Knocking lightly on their bedroom door, I opened it slightly, peeking my head in.


"Hmm?" The balding head on the pillow stirred. "Hailey?"

"Grandma wanted me to wake you up."

I heard a muffled grunt, then: "Alright. I'll be out in a minute."

Taking that as my cue to leave, I gently shut the door behind me and walked back into the kitchen.

"Is he awake?"

I nodded, "He's getting up."

As I sat down, the conversation turned to the weather and speculations on when spring would arrive.

When Grandma's voice cut off, I looked up, watching as my grandfather took slow, shaky steps toward the kitchen.

Mom stood to help him, but he shooed her away, finally settling into a chair at the table.

As I looked at her face, the worry I saw there planted a cold, dark fear into my mind.

"So, what are we having?"

Grandma turned back to the cutting board. "Baked cod, three bean salad and lemon rice."

"Sounds delicious." His smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "One of these days though, I would love to have your fried chicken again." Sighing, he asked, "Did the doctor say when I could go back to normal foods?"

Mom shook her head. "Never, Dad. The new diet's permanent."

Grandpa groaned. "Oh, for-" he rolled his eyes, "Does that quack really expect me to spend the rest of my life without fried food?"

Grandma glanced over her shoulder. "He does, and so do I – mostly because I want the 'rest of your life' to be measured in years, not months."

He scoffed, "Once in a while ain't gonna hurt me-"

Mom stood, clearing the table roughly. "Tell you what, Dad; the day you decide you don't want to live anymore, you can eat fried foods until your heart literally pops. Okay?"

Silence descended, and I froze in place, feeling the tension eddy around us.

"So..." I glanced at my grandfather. "Can I get you something to drink?"

He smiled wryly. "I'll take a glass of water, Sweetie; thank you."

After cleaning up, we were at the table, playing our second game of Hearts when Grandma asked, "So, how's Will doing? It's been a while since you've brought him around."

I paused, my hand interrupted in the act of laying down a card.

"Um," I'd been dodging the topic for months. There was certainly no way I could tell them the truth. "Well, we actually broke up, Grandma."

"Oh! Oh, that's right, your mother did mention that - I'm so sorry for bringing it up!"

I shook my head, "It's alright – you don't need to apologize. I'm already over it," I lied.

"It's a shame; he seemed like such a nice young man."

"Seemed" being the key word there.

"He was."

For a while...

"Any chance for reconciliation?"

I forced my facial muscles into a taut smile. "No, Grandma, I don't think so." Not unless you've got a time machine handy.

"That's a pity. Prom's coming up, isn't it?"

I nodded, "Next month."

"Do you want to go?"

I shrugged. "I guess. I'll probably end up going with Faith and Sierra – if I can find a dress."

"What about that new guy?" Mom asked.

I felt myself flush.

"'New guy'?" Grandma asked.

Mom nodded. "She mentioned that she's been seeing somebody – maybe he'll ask you to be his date?"

And maybe pigs will fly... The thought of showing up to prom on Jason Coleman's arm had my stomach tying itself in knots.

There was a bitter taste on my tongue as I realized – I was never going to be on Jason's arm – not publicly, at least.

"I really don't think that's going to happen – we're not that serious."

The conversation steered into safer territory, but my mind lingered.

We're not that serious.

A wistful longing filled me.

We're not that serious.

But, sitting there at the worn kitchen table, I began to wonder...

...did I want us to be?

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