Chapter 54

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"'re fucking Jason, aren't you?"

Sierra's voice sounded far away, like a memory of a dream.

"Wh-" I tried to deny it, but there was no hope now.

"Oh my god, you are!"

I had no reply, just the harsh rasp of my own breathing.

"I mean, I get it - Jason is hot as fuck-"

I'm dead. I'm so dead.

"And, like, after the shit that Faith pulled? Talk about karma..."

The sounds around me dimmed, overwhelmed by the pounding of my heart.

"-is it weird that I'm sort of proud of you? I mean, when it comes to revenge, you do not fuck around-"

Suddenly, my vision swam with a sickening wave of dizziness.


-I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead-


I felt Sierra's hand on my shoulder, and I flung it off like I was trying to eject myself out of my skin.


Bringing my knees up, I wrapped my arms around them, squeezing tight.

"Hailey, what's happening? What do I do?"

This is bad.

I can't control this-

-I can't breathe-

This is BAD-

"Water," I croaked.

Pressing my face against my knees, I started to rock, barely noticing as Sierra raced up the stairs.

Pain bloomed outward from my chest, radiating through my arms.

Just hold on. Just-

"Here," Sierra's voice cut through the torrent, and I looked up to see a half-filled glass through my narrowing vision.

Reaching over, my shaking hands tore at my bag, hunting for the small, white blister packs I kept in the side pocket. Separating one, I ripped it open, shaking the small, white pill out onto my hand.

I threw it onto the back of my tongue, swiping the glass out of Sierra's hand and trying to down the entire thing in one swig.


I swallowed, feeling the pill travel down my esophagus as the remaining water spilled down my chin.

"Sorry-" Setting the glass down on the floor, I tried to breathe past the vise tightening around my chest.

"It's okay, it's fine-"

"I'm sorry - fuck, I'm so fucking embarrassed-"


"Shit." I clutched my knees with shaking hands, "shit!"

"Hailey, look at me!"

I glanced up to see Sierra kneeling before me.

Concern painted her features, and her eyes stared into mine. "It's fine, you're going to be fine, I promise."


"Hailey, I promise. I'm not going to tell Faith - I'm not going to tell anybody, okay?"


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