Chapter 55

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The clouds in the eastern sky glowed orange as I finished, dragging my spoon through the remnants of butter pecan pooling at the bottom of the bowl.

Sitting back against her seat, Sierra looked stunned as she tried to absorb my words.

And I didn't even tell her everything...

It's not like she needed to know the intimate details of my time with Jason.

She didn't need to know that we'd laughed in his kitchen as he cooked for me. She didn't need to know the way his hands always seemed to find me in the nights we'd spent together, the way I'd wake wrapped up in his arms.

She doesn't need to know that I love him...

My chest ached at the thought, unspoken yet to anyone.

Days had passed since the revelation, and with the furious whirlwind of everything else, I hadn't gotten a chance to think about it, to decide what to do.

Maybe I don't want to.

In a way, it was too big, too terrifying to face. I loved Jason Coleman - now what? Were we going to move in together? Get married?

Sure, that would go over super well.

I could just imagine showing up to one of his work functions, the child bride on his arm.

Closing my eyes, I could hear the mocking judgment, the muffled snickers, and snide remarks. I could imagine being a target for ridicule, making Jason a target along with me.

And yet, in the back of my mind, some part of me still desperately wanted a future with him.

I wanted to proclaim to the world that this man was mine - to put my ring on his finger-

Oh boy. Okay, this is getting out of hand fast...

Snapping out of my daze, I watched as Sierra came out of hers.

"So, wait - when Faith said she thought Jason was dating somebody - that was you?"


"And you just sat there, listening-"

"-and freaking out the whole time."

"Oh my god - I asked you if Jason was fuckable right in front of Faith!"

"Yeah," I chuckled, "thanks for that."

"Holy shit, I'm so sorry - I had no idea-"

"It's fine, really."

"God damn. I mean, when I figured out you were seeing someone on the sly, I thought it was, like, a coworker?"


"I don't know, it seemed possible?"

"The only person around my age at that store is Tara, and she's a complete flake."

Sierra snorted, "Didn't stop you with Jason."


"The age thing. You're clearly not fazed by older guys."

I laughed, "Okay, fair."

"So, like, where do you see this going?"


"In the future - I mean, it would be legendary if you became Faith's stepmom!"

Oh, god.

That hit too close to home.

Covering the tumult of my emotions, I chuckled, "I honestly don't know. At first, I was just expecting it to be a one-time thing, but then it just sort of... happened?" I shook my head, remembering how "one night" had become "until the end of the summer" after I'd crawled into his bed.

In His Bed (18+)Where stories live. Discover now