-5- Illegal deals

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The locked door opens once again

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The locked door opens once again. This time a different man comes in. It's him. From work.
"YOU!! What have you done!?" Anger rips through my veins yelling at someone who I finally recognize.
"Calm down Mi Amore" he says blankly.
"Calm down?! Calm, down?! Sir, incase you haven't noticed I have been kidnapped! I have been locked in this room for I don't even know how long but it feels like days!! I'm too stressed to sleep and all I've eaten is a single sandwich! So you better watch yourself before you come in here and tell me to 'calm down'!"
Catching my breath I notice how close I got to him whilst yelling and I step back.
"Are you done?" Unfazed by my yelling he stands with him arms crossed in front of his large frame blocking the door.
"Now mi Amore, I am only helping you-"
"MISS DIAZ! For the love of god let me finish!"
Apologizing, to him, he continues.


I can't let her know the truth, if I tell her then she'll think it's ok to go home

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I can't let her know the truth, if I tell her then she'll think it's ok to go home. It's alright Cameron will protect me, and if not he's gone now right? You scared him off what is there to worry about? She's too naive for her own good...
"You stumbled across an illegal deal between a few gangs, they drugged you up and planned on killing you. Lucky I got to you in time, but you're going to have to stay with me until this all blows over." That's bound to work, she'll have no other option but to stay here. It's not like she can go anywhere all the doors are locked. She's mine.
"So you're telling me I could of died!! And the only way to stop that is too stay here...? With, you..?"
"I'm afraid so" she mumbles under her breath in hopes I don't hear her.
"Well can I at least get something to eat? and let Cameron know where I am? he's probably worried sick!"
"We've got it all worked out Diaz"
Looking slightly disappointed she goes back to reading her book for the hundredth time, how does she not get bored of it ?

Approaching her carefully so she doesn't burst out into anger again, I sit with her on the lush bed. I made sure she had the best considering she's going to be here for a while. I feel a smirk tugging on my lips just at the thought.

"What?" She asks slightly turning the book away from me. "Oh nothing. Nothing at all."
"Fuck off you creep." She spits at me
"If you insist." I reply getting up and leaving though the door I previously entered.

As I lock the door I hear her sulking that she's so bored and wants to go home to Cameron.
I'm going to kill that boy.


"Hi Cam, I know it's late but work went late and I really need u to wake up please. Bye"."
It was 1:34am when the last voice message was sent. The buses stop at midnight and she hates walking home at night. God! Why do I have to be such a heavy sleeper?!

I can't find her anywhere, she's not in the apartment, not at the bar, not at school. Where are you Rose?


The fucking boy wont stop calling her phone

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The fucking boy wont stop calling her phone. Incoming call... Cam <3.
I'm going to kill him if he doesn't fuck off!
Returning to Rose's new room I unlock the door slipping in. Only she is no where to be found.
"Miss Diaz?? Where are you?? I've brought you some food." I call out placing it on the bed looking in the attached bathroom for her. Nothing. How did she get out?! I made this completely fool proof. Lost in my thoughts I hear the door, which I failed to lock, being opened and I hurry out to see Rose, just as she's leaving.
"Diaz. I have men everywhere where do you think you're going?" I say catching up to her I see her back straighten, fear taking over her because of my tone.
"You sound like you're fucking dad" She jumps as Alec enters the room. I hate him.
"Don't ever say that again or I swear to god Alec I will shoot you" his arms raise in defense.
"Look your scaring the poor girl, tone it down with all the killing Ace!"
Another of my men, Mariano enter the room. She's circled. no where to go.
"There's no where to run Mi Amore."

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