-48- Romano's 🔥

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"Mi Amore?"

"La Amore mio!!" I snap out of my thoughts
"Huh yeah what?" I realise Ace was trying to get my attention.
"Oh sorry. I zoned out haha."
"You're fine love. Did you want to go get something to eat?" He asks
"Uhhh no thanks I'm not hungry."

"You haven't eaten all day Diaz. It wasn't exactly a question. Cmon, up up up let's go."
He ushers me up from the couch where I was sitting and towards the garage where his several cars are kept.

"HEY DICKHEAD!!" I hear behind me and swing my head around. Eden.
"Yes E?" Ace tires.
"You didn't think you were gonna go get food without me did you.
"Thats exactly what I thought." He opens the passenger door for me to climb into one of his many cars.

"Pft you're dreaming pal!" She struts over in her combat boots as Ace sighs sliding into the drivers seat. I buckle up and Eden pulls her self into the back seat doing the same.

"So where are we going?!" Eden basically yells.
"Fuck E!! Volume down thanks." Ace complains while exaggerating a sore ear.
"My bad." She replies with a smug look showing she means nothing in regard to her apology.

"ROMANO'S?! I love that place!" Suddenly I'm looking way more forward to eating.
"I know you do." He smirks.
"And I should hope so too, I own the place."
"Romano's. Ace Theodore Romano? Cmon petal I thought even you could peice that one together." Eden sasses.
"Careful." I hear Ace warn under his breath.

Before the conversation can continue any further I realise we have arrived at the restaurant. Still slightly in shock I follow the 2 inside.

"Hello! How can- oh... Sorry sir, right this way." The hostess guides us to a table away from where everyone else is sitting. He places some menus on the table and leaves us to seat ourselves.

Ace pulls out a chair for me to sit down then seats himself across from me with Eden to my left. I pick up a menu knowing full well I'm going to order the same thing anyway.

"I'm getting a drink. One for you?" Eden looks to me and I shake my head. She turns to Ace who just replies with a curt nod.
"Right. I'll be back." She hurries off in desperate search of her favourite place. The bar.

Shit my job!

"And for the girl?"
"She'll have the pasta." I catch the end of the conversation between Ace and the waiter.
"Thanks." He sends the waiter away just as Eden returns with 3 drinks.

"Shit. I hope you got me something." She says placing down our drinks.
"Whiskey, straight. Gin & tonic for me. And for you..." she slides a colourful drink my way.
"A rainbow paradise cocktail... whatever the fuck that means. Looks like something you'd drink baby." She winks sitting back down.

"Keep flirting with my girl Ms Hawkins, and you'll find yourself in disposal."
"Get fucked I'm not doing disposal." She flicks up her middle finger towards the man in front of us.
"What's disposal? Like rubbish bins?" I ask.
"Something like that... Don't worry." Ace says but when I look to Eden she is acting out slitting her throat with her thumb and then dragging a body.
Oh. Disposal. Of ... bodies. Charming.

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