-11- Tiny room

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When I wake up I appear to be in a tiny room no bigger than a few feet in length and width as if it could almost be a large closet

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When I wake up I appear to be in a tiny room no bigger than a few feet in length and width as if it could almost be a large closet. Consumed by darkness that surrounds me I attempt to find anything other than myself in this small area only to fail miserably.

From what I can tell there's four tiled walls surrounding me and yet not one door. I'm unable to reach the roof which leads me to think this could be a closet although there is a lack of clothes.

Returning to the floor where I once awoke from but a few seconds ago I crawl on my hands and knees feeling around for something. Anything. The corners of the room? Nothing. The edges of the walls? Not even a hinge, not even a gap to resemble a door which leads me to the question- 

How did I get in here?

And how the hell am I going to get out? I take my chances at the walls yet again. Feeling and feeling. Hoping for something.

Scanning them with my hands this time the wall begins to feel lighter. As if it were fake. Pounding my fist into it my theory is supported by the blinding light that pores from the hole I just created giving me a slight tinge of hope.

I continue smashing at the wall my fists probably bruised or even bloodied at the compact of the wall. Once I had made a big enough gap for me to get through I step into a much larger room white surrounding me as far as I can see, in the distance something lies on the ground and I rush towards it. Only now realising I'm still barely covered by just sone lace hoping it's a coat of some kind.

As I near the object it begins resembling a person, they appear in pain huddled in a heap on the floor clutching their stomach as they rest on their side. The person seems oddly familiar as I continue to approach them. This time asking if they are ok, no response.

"Are you hurt?" I ask lowering myself next to them trying to turn them so I can see what's happened. My eyes fall to where they are clutching blood spills from beneath their hand and begins to pool at my feet. I try to help, I really do but I'm not exactly a nurse.

"Just stay still ok? Im going to take off your jacket and apply it to the wound." Again no reply as I begin to remove the jacket I finally get a good look at the person's face. Tears fill my eyes as I rush more and more to get this bloody jacket off.


I do all I can to stop the bleeding but it's no use. He keeps on bleeding it doesn't stop. There's no one around and I don't have my phone to call for help.  Tears rush down my face as I hold his limp body in my arms letting out a sob.

"Please Cameron. Please wake up. I need you!"



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