-10- Matteo

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It's been a while since I last saw that bastard

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It's been a while since I last saw that bastard. He beat the shit out of my best friend and I was defenceless to help him with Mariano holding me back.

Cameron was in hospital for around a week, at one point he slipped into a coma momentarily only to wake up a few minutes after. He didn't get too badly hurt besides a broken nose and minor bruises but the loss of blood caused him to fall in and out of consciousness.

Since he got loaded into the ambulance I haven't left his side other than to get some food every now and then. Today is his first time by himself since he got beat up by he who shall not be named, I need to keep reassuring myself he will be ok since he's practically healed by now. Well, besides his nose.

I can't help but worry about Cameron as I'm doing my job, dancing my little routine which Phoenix has been teaching me. Recently one of the girls, Alice, broke her ankle so we have been slightly short on dancers but I certainly don't mind the extra tips. The stage gives me the confidence I need, the praise from all the men and of corse an extra few dollars.

Tonight has been particularly busy, the regular business men in all their suits nagging for more drinks, the stage surrounded by men, and some women, their pockets filled with dollar bills. I'm currently on call for a dance if any of them get tired or need a break and I'm serving around the stages in my tiny little outfit which only just covers what it needs too.

Paranoia fills my body as I could of sworn I saw Mariano within the suited men that fill the area. He's the least bad out of all of them although I still don't want to risk it with him and his little games, I've had my share go kidnap someone else bitch. Suddenly I hear a familiar clacking of heals against the floor coming towards me, Phoenix.

"You're up girl. I need a smoke." Nodding I rush backstage to change my shoes into some sparkly red heals to match my waitress outfit and the red lace that lays underneath. The crowd starts to get a roudy as I'm finishing up my makeup, slightly rushing, we don't want a grumpy crowd, they don't tip as well.

I take a big breath standing behind the curtain preparing my self for the number Phoenix taught me, stepping out I'm surrounded by the cheers and whistles of men as I strut to the pole that's centre stage and blow a kiss before grabbing it tightly a doing a few intricate moves and spins before dropping to the floor in a split, that gets the crowd going.

Sliding my legs together I lay face down on the floor and push my ass up arching my back for them all too see. I scan their faces while continuing on with my dance hoping I don't see the one person I dread to see, but instead a not so familiar face catches my eye. Brown straight hair, kind of long, pulled into curtains framing his face perfectly, perfectly tan to go with his bright blue eyes and quiet skinny frame. He's gorgeous, like something sculpted by Michael Angelo himself.

I keep my eyes locked with his as I finish the dance with a wink in his direction as he smiles throwing a few bills my way as I leave the stage to go back to regular service/bartender life, making and serving all the drinks but I am stopped by no other than Ben, one of the stage workers who handles that side of the bar. He hands me my money "Fair lot you made here pumpkin. Even got a request for a private dance if you're down? Extra $50 for 30 mins?"
Who could want a dance? I hope it's blue eyes and not who I think it is...
"Sure, do you know who it was?"
"His name is Matteo, he's tanned brown curtains, blue eyes. I think he's Spanish or Italian or something?"
"Send him to room 3 in 5" I exclaim making my way to the room full of joy, this boy was something else. He is more beautiful then anyone could ever imagine. My mind wonders to gorgeous places just thinking about him and his stunning looks. My cloud of thought shortly popped to nothing by a knock at the door.

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