Chapter 3: Isaiah 6:2

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"Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly."

Akali's PoV:

It's incredible how he actually letted me ask about his wings and halo, he seems like a pretty good guy even if kai'sa and evelynn act weird with the fact that he's an angel, but hes very nice. I entered Mundo's office and sat in front of him.

Mundo: Mundo is very happy to see you here! Although Mundo finds it extremely weird akali came alone!

Akali: hey Mundo! I wanted to ask you about True damage and how are they doing.

Mundo: True damage has been getting wild numbers! Although Mundo thinks that the numbers would be bigger if akali were there to help!

Akali: yeah I know but it's just I'm too exhausted after the kda world tour...

Mundo: Mundo understands! That's why Mundo didn't put any pressure on you! Mundo has the feeling you didn't came exactly to talk about true damage.

Akali: well mainly I wanted to talk to true damage but I also wanted to see your assistant!

Mundo looked at me with a poker face, since the feather he dropped i can't get him out of my thoughts and that freaks me out.

Mundo:Mundo knows y/n is single if you're wondering.

I blushed bright red, I'm not in love with him! I barely know him!

Akali: W-what?! I don't have a crush on him!

Mundo: Mundo thinks you should ask him to hang out, Mundo thinks it'll he a great distraction for him since he's always working and studying. Mundo thinks he's overworking and that makes Mundo very worried.

Akali: You sound very worried for him even if he's just your assistant.

Mundo: Mundo thinks Y/n is a sweet guy, y/n is always talking to Mundo about something and occasionally y/n brings Mundo homecook that he makes. Mundo thinks he's a good guy and maybe akali can befriend him!

Akali: I'll try to, he looks like a nice guy and his wings are just wooow.

Y/N's PoV:

I have for lunch some smashed potatoes and some chicken, and since its lunch time I can start eating now. I also have some for Mr Mundo but I'll give it to him once he's done with the reunion.

I opened my Google classroom to see if I have something to do, just look at a video and then write a 1000 word essay? Nah I'm the big shit at essays.

I began looking at the video while I ate and it's just the prep for law school since after college I'm going to law school like my mother, talking about my mother she said maybe in some months I'll have to go visit demacia apparently she has a connection with someone important there and we have to visit.

The video is just about laws and how they work, it's ironical i want to be a lawyer like my mother even though my father insisted me on also being a medic like him but hospital life is not the thing for me.

I took notes on the video until I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked back and it was Akali I think was her name.

Akali: Hey!

Y/n: hey. You' done with mr Mundo?

Akali: yup.

Y/n: good now I can give him his food.

I grabbed the Tupper and entered Mr Mundos office and left it on his desk, he's not there but meh maybe he went to the bathroom.

I excited the office and sat back at my desk, and akali was sitting in the couch aswell. I continued eating what was left of my smashed potatoes until again she started speaking.

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