Chapter 23: "I Will Give It All! "

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Kayn's PoV:

The girls have been acting pretty weird for this past days, well since their assistant has been gone they haven't been the same... They do talk to us but not that much two days ago when we went out to eat they just left...

Aphelios is writing something in his laptop, Yone is just reading a book and Felix is just throwing himself compliments to the mirror.

Yone: Did you guys see the news?

Aphelios: about the fiasco in the royal wedding?

Yone: similar but no. Jarvan the IVth is going to have a fight in the great Coliseum in a few days...

Felix: that's something I'd like to see honestly.

Kayn: I already got us covered, I bought the tickets when the fight was announced...

Aphelios: I see... That means we'll go to demacia in a few days...

Yone: we can ask the girls if they want to come with us.

Felix: I hardly doubt they'll agree, have you seen how distant they've been this days?

Kayn: ever since their assistant went away they haven't been themselves...

Aphelios: I figured that maybe he's not only their assistant, you better than no one kayn know they have some weird ass kinks.

Felix: shut Cho gay ass mouth Aphelios every time we see sett you two always dissappear!

And he continued typing, maybe they do have weird kinks and what ever but.... Why do I feel so angry with just the thought of that bastard hugging MY akali?!

Kayn: I'll ask them if they want to come so we can buy Doble tickets.

I grabbed my phone and dialed akali.... She takes long to answer...


Akali: oh hey dude! Sorry I was taking a shower.

Kayn: hey Kali, me and the boys are departing to demacia so we can go to the coliseum. So we're wondering if you guys wanted to tag along

Akali: sheesh... Let me talk it to Ahri since she's the boss but I'll tell you on the afternoon aight man?

Kayn: alright akali see ya.

Akali's PoV:

As soon as he hanged up I dashed towards the hall and knocked on everyone's door desperately.

Ahri came out last and was veery mad...

Ahri: It's one of those few days I get to wake up whenever I want. What could you possibly want at 7:10 am akali.

Akali: so kayn called a few minutes saying that they're off to Demacia to see a fight on the coliseum

Kai'sa: And? What does that concern us?

Akali: you know who else is in Demacia right now? And is a friend of Prince Jarvan? Exactly!

Evelynn: y/n....

Akali: so we can accept going with them to the coliseum because I checked literally while I gathered the bravery to knock on evelynns door and prince Jarvan will be fighting!

Ahri: so y/n will be there because he is his friend...

Kai'sa: we can use that opportunity to surprise him!

Akali: Looks like we have ourselves a plan!

Evelynn: but what do you think will be his reaction when he see us? We fucked up, Pretty badly. We're probably one of the last things that keep him going after his mother abandoned him! And we not only forgot to go meet his aunt but we also denied him as our couple. We totally deserve this, he's probably spending time with someone else to forget about all the fiasco we caused.

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