Chapter 32: A New Dawn

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After the war against the void, Aurelion sol decided to let his realm go by its own. Hell should be what their habitants want, not what he wants.

So he letted 6 fallen angels take the ranks, the order went under the name of the six prince's of hell, each one got to rule a ring of hell while Aurelion sol protected the outside and the borders between realms.

In the meanwhile he created an armor, so perfect even his best stars where jealous of it. Made out of the hardest yet lightest materials the God could make.

Aurelion sol had a vision.... An angel that would finally teach a lesson to his stubborn brother....

And he finally found the angel he had seen centuries ago, he gave the armor to y/n along with a hidden weapon.

The emblem of a hidden organization that kept peace from the shadows, a blade that was hidden under the wrist that could be retracted, silent but deadly. Perfect for quiet murders or even defense and counter attacks since the steel was hard enough to take a hit of a waraxe and still be able to work properly

Aurelion sol: A hidden blade. That's what they call it.

Y/n: I still don't get why are you giving me this.

Aurelion sol: I have the feeling that in some point he's going to knock you down, make sure to put it on his stomach or even neck to retract it. It should be able to pierce his skin and so can it to the staff I modified you.

Y/n: there's just not enough words to say how thankful I am for you...

Aurelion Sol: Just demonstrate everyone that God's can bleed.... I'll make sure everyone can see it, I'll break the barrier between realms just enough to let everyone see the fight...

End of Flashback

Third person PoV:

As y/n searched for Beelzebub, he heard a trumpet and suddenly he found himself in a table sitting down, to his left side was Beelzebub, and to the right side the archangels....

Gabriel: You may be wondering... Why did I call the leader of the cherubs and the leader of the powers...

Raphael: We have been suspecting a lot from both of you lately....

Gabriel: Your behavior isn't natural....

Gabriel got close to y/n to an uncomfortable level, he was too close. He looked at Beelzebub and she grabbed a knife from her pocket, a cursed knife....

Gabriel: Lately I've been feeling something odd from both your rings of heaven.... And I have to ask.... What do you think it is~

Y/n: You know Gabriel... Out of all the angels, you're by far the gayest one of all.

Gabriel: What-

Y/n quick grabbed Gabriel by the neck with his left hand and activated the hidden blade, piercing his neck and activating the curse filling his hand with blood. Gabriel was dead.

Beelzebub quickly turned herself into flies and began attacking the rest of the archangels. As y/n got in the fight against Raphael who was by far the most dangerous....

Eventually both Beelzebub and Y/n where done killing them... They wiped out one of the most powerful angels....

Beel: I have to say Baphomet, I would had died from embarrassment if those where the last words I heard.

Y/n: i can't lie. Let's get throw the signal to attack, they should be all gathered up....

They ran out of the enormous hall, y/n pulled out a Red flare and extended his wings quickly elevating himself. He was now around 30 ft up in the sky....

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