First Contact

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Chapter 3

Half of the Bakugou twin's summer was spent taking care of their younger twins, alone at their home. Midoriya, however , had a long conversation with All Might.

-After the incident with the sludge villain-

Katsuki catches up to Midoriya and gets his attention.

"Deku!" Katsuki calls and Midoriya flinches and turns around, seeing Katsuki. Katsuki pauses to catch his breath.

"Never fucking do that again you get?!" Katsuki threatened and Midoriya only blinked at him, after Katsuki turned and seethed in rage. All Might came dashing from an entrance which scared Midoriya. Long story short, All Might told him that he could be a hero too which made Midoriya cry in flowing tears. All Might also said that he has a proposal for Midoriya which confused him.

"Shounen you are worthy to inherit my strength" All Might said in an inspiring way, Midoriya was inspired but it just confused him even more. Then All Might came to explain his quirk, how it works and how he received it.

"And I select you as my successor" All Might said after explaining, Midoriya stood up from his position which made his legs feel all jelly and even lost his balance.

"But why would you give it to me All Might?" Midoriya questioned curiously.

"I don't mind giving it to you, you shined above instead of those so called 'heroes'" All Might answered.


In the Bakugou residence, the twins, well in this case Kitsuki, prepared and panicked for the arrival of her younger siblings while Katsuki was preparing for something else.

"KAT FOR FUCKING SAKE!!! HELP ME OUT HERE!!" Kitsuki said downstairs. Apparently the night they came home, the whole living room was full of packages ranging from different sizes. Masaru explained that it was all baby stuff and baby furniture like cribs, changing station, strollers etc.

"WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN DOING ANYWAY?!" Kitsuki asked and it seemed there was no answer coming from Katsuki's room, so Kitsuki made a run for it and climbed the stairs, bursting into Katsuki's room.

"What the fuck's that for?!" Katsuki shouted and Kitsuki was about to say something but she was surprised at what he was doing.

"What's that for?" Kitsuki asked and Katsuki just showed a blank expression.

"It's for the written exam..." Katsuki answered and Kitsuki immediately came inside and sat on Katsuki's bed.

"Oh shit right.. But isn't it going to be at the end of March?" Kitsuki asked and Katsuki face palmed himself.

"No idiot, that's the practical exam the written is next next week" Katsuki corrected and Kitsuki understood.

"Man, I didn't know you advance read or study" Kitsuki teased and Katsuki gave her a 'piss off' expression.

"Then after I'll be training" Katsuki added and Kitsuki widened her eyes.

"Wha-?! Then what you'll leave me here?!" Kitsuki protested.

"As if you're a five year old kid dammit!" Katsuki shouted and Kitsuki mocked him luckily Katsuki didn't hear her. Kitsuki went out of Katsuki's room and went downstairs. Kitsuki opened the big package containing different baby clothes. Kitsuki saw that it contained different smaller boxes for each category of clothes.

"Ohhh these look soo adorable!" Kitsuki squealed and squealed every time she opened one box.

"OH ALL MIGHT SHUT THE FUCK UP I'M TRYING TO FUCKING STUDY UP HERE!!" Katsuki yelled from his room and Kitsuki had a brilliant idea. She moved on from the clothes and set them in separate piles, she went to open the package containing different baby toys and squealed yet again. After opening and separating the toys she went to try assembling the high chair and once she did she regretted doing it.

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