Broken Pride & Broken Trust

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Chapter 11


The losing team weren't that injured but the winning team collapsed. Katsuki stood there stunned about the whole thing, Kitsuki outside the room thinking about what just happened, Uraraka who reached her limit faced the consequences and Midoriya laid down on the floor. 

"So in other words, they won the scuffle but lost the match" Tokoyami said and Asui looked at him with her index finger placed on her chin.

"Then again this is just training - Kero" Asui said pointing to what Tokoyami observed.  

Meanwhile back at the building, Katsuki stood still stunned, he lift up his right hand and looked at it.

*He read me... like a book, then on top of that.. he.. he thought of a way to defeat me...* after his thought, he realized that Midoriya just beat him and his anger intensified yet again. His eyes widened, his veins were shown in his pupils and his breathing was heavy.

*So in short.. when were fucking at it... I LOST TO- TO DEKU* His eyes widened even more but before he could continue to rage, All Might placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Let's go back, Bakugou shounen" All Might said as Katsuki tried to calm down.

"It's time for your critique" as All Might talked to Katsuki and as he did, Midoriya was being carried by the mini conveyor bots.

**To the Nurse's office** bot number 1 instructed as it carried the other end. 

**I know!** the other said as it carried the other and they both left.

"It doesn't matter if you won or lose, you look back one time, reflect on the experience and move on" All Might advised. As they were walking to the monitor room, Kitsuki eyed at Katsuki who wished would look back but got nothing. 

"Come follow us Bakugou's half and Uraraka to the monitor room" All Might said as he walked forward and the three behind him. Katsuki hung his head low and stayed quiet.

-In the monitor room-   

"Hmm... I'd say... none here was at best" All Might tried to still sound positive but it just wasn't right. In the class, Yaoyorozu raised her hand.

"Yes, All Might-Sensei" Yaoyorozu got the attention of everyone and lowered her hand.

"Having watched the battle, Bakugou's attitude was clearly driven by some personal grudge and thus totally arbitrary, then again just as you said earlier Sensei, a large range explosion indoors is just idiotic" while Yaoyorozu was saying her feedback about Katsuki, he would have exploded by now but kept quiet and his bangs were over his eyes.

"And the same goes for Midoriya" Yoayorozu continued and the class and All Might kept silent and listened intently.

"Uraraka's plan somehow got her into a situation and her last attack was too reckless, although we were treating that paper mache thing as an actual weapon so that kind of attack wouldn't have flown." Yaoyorozu ended with Uraraka's and faced Kitsuki, who tensed up a bit.

"Now you, as being Bakugou's sister I'm surprised you didn't go and copy his ways but I understood your plan although it could have worked more if you really set up traps and in that way or maybe.. um you and your brother could have the upper hand if he didn't do the personal thing. As well as if you didn't just stand around and watch you could have stalled time for the heroes" Yaoyorozu hit Kitsuki hard but she was right and Kitsuki accepted that  

"Moving on, the hero's team so called "victory" is being too nice in calling this "just training" and that gets dangerously close to skirting the spirit of the rules" Yaoyorozu ended with her long and overdue feedback but there was a long silence from All Might and the students.

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