chapter 1

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Naruto was staring at the ceiling of his hospital room with a faraway expression. It has been three days since the success of Sasuke Retrieval mission.

He along with Shikamaru Nara, Kiba Inuzuka, Neji Hyuga and Chouji Akimichi had been sent to retrieve Sasuke Uchiha after he abandoned the village to go to Orochimaru for more power with the help of Sound Four.

With the help of Sand Siblings and Rock lee, Naruto was able to catch up to Sasuke and in the battle that ensured Sasuke used everything that he had in his arsenal to kill Naruto, but Naruto kept coming back and ended up using two tails worth of Kyuubi's chakra to defeat him. While Naruto's body had become familiar with using the Kyuubi's chakra, there was a limit to what it could tolerate.

All his life Naruto had endured pain, hatred and loneliness, things that would break any man. His endurance and kind heart showed just how strong he was, mentally. His isolation also led to his need to gain acknowledgement whether it be positive or negative which led to him doing pranks to gain attention, which seriously hampered his ability to learn and by the time he gained a teacher willing to train him in academy rather than sabotage him, he barely paid any attention.

Naruto then thought about his time on team 7. He barely learned anything new under Kakashi. While he could acknowledge the fact he was not the perfect student, Kakashi wasn't the perfect teacher either. He only taught all of them tree walking exercise during the Wave mission after three months of them becoming a genin team.

Kakashi's actions after the Wave mission were even more dishonourable. Giving Sasuke private lessons while barely teaching anything to either Naruto or Sakura and then signing them off for the Chunin exams.

Even after both Naruto and Sasuke passed the preliminary matches, Kakashi again chose to focus on Sasuke while leaving Naruto to Ebisu to concentrate on his basics. While Naruto could agree that Sasuke needed the private training as he was going against an unstable Jinchuuriki, Naruto was also going against a Hyuga prodigy who didn't show hesitation in killing his own cousin. Kakashi could have at least given him to another Jonin, who could have taught him advance stuff.

Naruto was lucky that he met Jiraiya who not only trained him but removed the Five Elements Seal that Orochimaru put on him otherwise he might have not survived the Chunin exams or the invasion that followed. But even then Naruto got the feeling that Jiraiya was more interested in the Kyuubi sealed inside of him rather than training him.

Naruto realised that his need to gain acknowledgement and attention had led to people around him to disregard him, further proved by the treatment he got from his team-mates and sensei. Even now it has been three days since he was admitted in the hospital and neither Sakura nor Kakashi come to visit him.

'That's it' Naruto decided 'No more would I let anyone disregard me for the sake of gaining their acknowledgement'

Naruto then thought about his future, Jiraiya had informed him yesterday that they would leave for a training trip for three years. Naruto decided that he would become the best shinobi he could become in those three years and if Jiraiya was interested in the Kyuubi more than training him, then he would find another sensei but no one would stop him from becoming the strongest.

Hokage Tower

Hokage's office

Tsunade was doing her paperwork when there was a knock on her door.

"Enter" Tsunade said and looked up as Jiraiya entered the room. She recently had an interesting conversation with Fukasaku, one of the Elder Toads of Mount Myoboku. He informed her that Jiraiya recently summoned Gerotora a scroll toad who was tasked by Minato to hold the key to the Eight Trigrams Seal which is used to contain the Kyuubi inside of Naruto and suspected that Jiraiya wants to train Naruto in the use of Kyuubi's chakra without having any knowledge of how. Fukasaku was concerned that Jiraiya to get better results would loosen the seal that could lead to the Kyuubi taking advantage of it to gain his freedom.

When Tsunade told Fukasaku about the threat of Akatsuki rationalising that Jiraiya wanted to train Naruto to use the Kyuubi's chakra to make him as strong as possible as fast as he can the elder toad countered it saying that an organisation that wanted to capture the nine Jinchuuriki would have a way to negate the Biju's chakra, to which Tsunade conceded and assured the elder toad that she would have a talk with Jiraiya. Fukasaku also told Tsunade that the Biju are sentient beings made of chakra and can decide whether there chakra would be peaceful or harmful to their host, hence without coming to an accord with Kyuubi, Naruto cannot fully control Kyuubi's chakra.

Before leaving Fukasaku remarked that if Jiraiya wanted to train Naruto to become as strong as fast as he can, he should use his (Naruto) ability to make a large amount of Kage Bushin (Shadow Clones) to train him, and if Jiraiya doesn't concede then she could just send Naruto to Mt Myoboku to train.

"Hime, you could have just called for me and I would have come, instead of sending one of the Anbu" Jiraiya said

"Sit Jiraiya" Tsunade said in a serious tone, after Jiraiya sat, she continued "I would like to know what you are planning to teach Naruto during your training trip?" Tsunade asked

"You know hime, this and that." Jiraiya said vaguely not wanting to tell her that he would primarily focus on training him to use the Kyuubi's chakra.

"You can cut the bullshit out Jiraiya; I know you want to train Naruto to use the Kyuubi's chakra" Tsunade was about to continue when Jiraiya interrupted her

"How do you know?" Jiraiya asked in surprise

"It doesn't matter" Tsunade said dismissing Jiraiya's question and then continued "Do you know how to train a Jinchuuriki to harness its Biju's Chakra?" Tsunade asked

"The seal lets Naruto harness Kyuubi's chakra, so I thought that if I pushed him enough, he would be able to use the Kyuubi's chakra. If Kumo can figure it out then I am sure Naruto can as well and use Minato's gift." Jiraiya explained

"So it is about Minato" Tsunade said and then continued "Jiraiya I know you regret not being here for Minato but the seal does not work like that nor will forcing Naruto to use the Kyuubi's chakra will work" Tsunade said

"And how do you know that?" Jiraiya questioned

Tsunade then explained her conversation with Fukasaku and how he was worried that Jiraiya in his misguided attempt to train Naruto in using Kyuubi's chakra could potentially release the fox and kill Naruto and how training Naruto to use Kyuubi's chakra would not have helped against the Akatsuki as they would have been prepared for it. Tsunade also told him about the Kage Bushin (Shadow Clone) method of training that Fukasaku mentioned.

"I was about to kill my own godson" Jiraiya said in a voice filled with regret and shame

"No Jiraiya that was the worst case scenario" Tsunade said but was interrupted

"But it was still a possibility; I could have killed my godson and even if it didn't the Akatsuki could have killed him just because I focused on the easiest method to get him strong without knowing its consequences." Jiraiya said his voice filled with shame.

"But you know now Jiraiya, so tell me, are you willing to properly train Naruto or do I have to ask Fukasaku-sama to train him?" Tsunade asked

"There is no need to contact that old toad as I would train Naruto so hard that he would surpass even the Yondaime." Jiraiya said his eyes having a new determination in them.

"Jiraiya, can you train Naruto to be an S-rank shinobi in these three years?" Tsunade asked

"I would have doubted it before but with the shadow clone method, I have no doubt that he can achieve S-rank in three years." Jiraiya said confidently

"Very well then, I will promote him to chunin and tell him about his parents" Tsunade said

"Are you sure Tsunade?" Jiraiya asked

"Yes, everyone has a right to know where they come from and with you reassuring me that Naruto will be of S-rank calibre, then there is no reason for him to not now about his parents." Tsunade replied.

"Very well" Jiraiya said after which they left to visit Naruto

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