Chapter 35

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Two people were walking through the desert towards Suna, and while they were both wearing the same uniforms they couldn't be more different. One of them had blond hair that was tied in a ponytail and had a large piece of hair hanging over one side of his face to cover his eye with a large straw hat that was covering his head and had stringers falling around it. The other person was short and had a hunched over back and was wearing a bandana over his mouth, covering the lower half of his face so that all you could see were his black eyes. On top of his head was a straw hat with a single tassel, which he used to cover and hide the rest of his face. Both of them were wearing black cloaks with red clouds, the clothing of Akatsuki and were S class missing ninja; however both of them were so different from each other it was hard to imagine they were partners.

"I'm telling you Sasori Sempai, art last for a single brilliant moment before it withers away into nothingness, yeah," the blond one said.

Sasori sighed as he listened to his partner, they had been having this argument since they became partners. Sasori always wondered what leader-Sama had been thinking when he put the two of them together, "and I'm telling you Deidra art is eternal. True beauty lasts forever and never dies over time, that way people can enjoy it longer."

"Sasori-sempai, as much as I respect you, I have to tell you you're wrong. True art is..."

Sunagakure no Sato

Kazekage Tower

Gaara looked out over Sunagakure from the top of the Kazekage tower, a lot had changed in the past three years since he had been beaten by Naruto during the Chunin Exams. Gaara was wearing the robes of the Kazekage over his Suna jonin attire, absent was the gourd that he usually wore on his back. It had been over three years since that battle where his whole life had been changed for the better, after Naruto had beaten him Gaara had realized that the path he had been taking did not grant one true strength or happiness; and neither did it vilify his existence. Wanting the strength that boy had Gaara had begun to make amends, starting with his family Temari and Kankuro. Making amends with them had actually been easy, since despite being afraid of him they both still loved him. However getting the villagers to see him as his siblings did was a whole different kettle of fish, well if they had fish in Suna. It had taken a lot more work to get them to stop fearing him and a constant effort on his part. However through hard work and with the support of his siblings he had been able overcome the hate the villagers had on him and gain acceptance, and just last year Gaara had been accepted as the Godaime Kazekage.

As he stared at the village he had sworn to protect he wondered where the person who had made this all possible was and how he was doing, Naruto had been his first friend, the first person to accept him and the only person he knew who could understand him. It was only because of the blond shinobi that Gaara was able to change and gain the acceptance he had always craved. He knew that Naruto was currently on a training trip with Jiraiya of the Sennin, the rumors and stories that had spread about Naruto had reached everywhere in the elemental nations. It made Gaara curious to see how powerful Naruto had become.

"Kazekage-Sama," Gaara turned his head to see one of the council members behind him, "The meeting is beginning soon."

Gaara nodded, "very well," he looked out over the village one last time before following the council member to the council chamber. The council chamber itself was merely a large cylindrical room with a circular table, around the table were 12 seats for those who were a part of Suna's council. Gaara entered the chamber and took his seat between Baki and Yuura.

Council Chambers

Baki had been Gaara's Jonin sensei during the invasion of the Chunin Exams, after the invasion had failed Baki had been the one who had pushed for them not to do anything rash and try to get the peace treaty between Konoha and Suna Reneged. Later he had been appointed to the advisory council for his loyalty to Suna, and had been the one who promoted and supported Gaara's rise to the position of Kazekage. Baki had always been of the belief that loyalty to your village was one of the most important things to a shinobi, no matter what the situation was he would always strive towards doing what he felt was best for the village. Baki now wore the robes of a councillor over his Jonin attire, he still had a bandana on his head with a cloth covering half of his face.

Yuura was the Jonin who had original been in charge of the guards who watched the gate into Sunagakure, four years ago he had managed to work his way up towards the position on the advisory council. Yuura wore councilor robes and wrap around bandana, he had spiky bangs that covered half of his face and a small beard.

"The Chunin exams are coming soon," one of the councilors stated as this was Suna's year to host the exams, "I am looking forward to the results."

Yuura stood from his seat to garner everyone's attention, "as am I however... I have received some rather disturbing information on a rumour that has come up recently..."

"What kind of rumours?" asked Baki as he looked at the man.

"This information is from Jiraiya of the legendary three," Yuura stated getting everyone's attention. "Have you all heard of a group called Akatsuki?" mumbling surrounded the announcement of that name, while many people knew of them most thought they were a simple mercenary group. Gaara looked at Yuura as he continued, "they seem to be a powerful group made of nine S class ninja who are after a specific group of people, they are after Jinchurikki..."

The noise in the room increased as everyone began to talk about the information, many of the advisors were looking at Gaara who remained impassive at the information.

"Furthermore I believe that because of the threat these people pose I think it would behove us to tighten security during the Chunin Exams, just to be on the safe side," Yuura continued.

"Do you believe these people pose a serious threat to Kazekage-Sama?" asked one of the other council members.

"The information itself comes from Jiraiya-Sama," Yuura said in answer, "if he feels that they are a threat I believe it would be best to ere on the side of caution."

"You make many good points, councillor Yuura," stated Gaara who had up until this point been silent. When the young Kazekage spoke everyone quieted down, it was a rare event for Gaara to speak at the meetings but when he did they were often said with a wisdom not usually found in one so young. "We will do as you suggest and up the security measures during the Chunin Exams, it would also be a good show of strength while the other nations shinobi are here. I would like you to handle the security detail, can you do it Yuura?"

"Of course Kazekage-Sama," Yuura said with a bow.

The rest of the meeting was mainly listening to the various pieces of information about the chunin exams, as well as the security measures Yuura was going to take.

"Then this meeting is adjourned," Baki said as the members of the council stood up to leave.

Gaara stood up as well and began to make his way to the Kazekage tower, since he could not sleep he might as well finish the paperwork.

Yuura began to walk through the halls of the council buildings with one of the other members, "well done Yuura," the man said. "It is a fine idea to tighten the security on the village, even Kazekage-Sama seemed to think so."

"I'm just glad I could help my superiors that I've been working for for the past four years," Yuura said in a humble tone. "Besides this information came from Jiraiya-Sama himself, so I had to make a decision quickly." Stopping Yuura's eyes widened as he felt an intense head ache, grabbing his head the man bent down as he tried to get the pain to leave.

"Hey are you alright?" the other council member asked.

"I... yes I just haven't been getting enough sleep," Yuura said straitening up the Jonin councilor shook his head and began to walk again. what was that? Wondered Yuura as he continued walking.


Kazekage rescuing is started and next chapter will be attack on Gaara.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter

See in the next chapter.

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