Chapter 14

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It has been one week they came and Naruto found out about everything that kage tower locations.

Naruto has found out how blood line war start but it is only a rumors. Some say that Yagura himself suddenly woke up and decided to exterminate all living bloodline users because they posed a major threat to his leadership and regime. Some say that Yagura decided to purge every single bloodline shinobi after the Kaguya attack a few years ago.

One night the Kaguya Clan decided to simply attack the Mist Village, their own village to begin with. While most shinobi blamed them for being some blood crazed clan, Yagura persuaded his shinobi to the opposite.

Instead of accepting that the Kaguya Clan was, for lack of a better word, mental. Yagura spawn the theory that every skirmish and war was because of bloodlines. The bloodline would affect the shinobi turning them into nothing more than a beast looking for blood and flesh. The people in Kiri where then blinded by their pain and hatred for the Kaguya attack that they believed in their leader without question.

And thus began the bloodline purge. For years Yagura and his loyalist army composed of thousands of non-bloodline users started hunting down and killing every single bloodline user they found. That's the reason as to why Kiri was cut-off from the other great villages for so many years, they had some internal problems to deal with.

The bloodline users were forced to band together and leave the village if they wanted to survive. Terumi Mei rose through the ranks and became the indisputable leader of the rebel side of the army. Mei commands around four thousand shinobi who are fighting to regain back their home. But the worst part is that they are fighting people they once considered comrades, friends, lovers.As they asked every great village for help they didn't involved in it.But Konoha able to send there team.

As it is few months as they were present as Mei called all important members for the meeting. Naruto looked around at the other people who had also been called to Mei's office, two of them he didn't know. They were not front line soldiers, so he had never fought by their side. All he knew was that one of them was the head of the medical staff and the other managed the supplies they acquired through various means. He also knew that the one who managed the supplies did not like him for some reason; the man was fairly young so Naruto assumed it was because of how close he was to Mei. The man had complained once about Mei insisting on having Naruto with them as a part of their meetings, he never did it again after Mei threatened to melt his balls of; which Naruto had later found out she could quite literally do.

Ao was also with them, he and the hunter Nin had gotten closer in the past five months Naruto had been here. During that time Naruto had usually been with Ao's team and had gone on several more infiltrate and destroy missions.

There was also Chojuro, a shy young man with blue hair, black eyes and sharp shark like teeth; a trait he shared with Zabuza and Kisame. He wore black rimmed glasses that were connected to a set of headphones. He was wearing a blue striped shirt with camouflage pants, while his Hitea-ate was worn across his chest. He carried a large sword on his back called Hiramekarei, which was wrapped in bandages much like Kisame did with his sword. Naruto had met and teamed up with him during one of his missions, they got along well enough. Naruto had found out that despite being a member of the Kiri no Shinobigatana Nananin Shū Chojuro was extremely shy and under confident. Though he had noticed the man seemed to find the courage to glare at him whenever Mei was on Naruto's arm and flirting with him.

Naruto looked back at Mei who had an apprehensive look on her face, Naruto was not sure why this meeting had been called since they met every week on Wednesdays to hear reports and plan. All Naruto knew was that it was apparently important, most likely new Intel that could spell trouble for the rebels.

"As you all know we have recently dealt several harsh blows to the Mizukage's forces," Mei started catching the attention of the people in the room. That was true enough, in the past five months they had managed to destroy ten enemy strongholds, cutting off valuable trade routes and isolating enemy forces allowing the bloodline side too pick them off. After that first mission Naruto had been on they had continued to use the infiltration tactic with great success, while Naruto would not claim credit for being the reason their missions were so successful he was glad to know that he was helping bring this violent war to a close. "However, it seems that with our success Yagura has decided that we have become a serious threat. I have received Intel that he has amassed his forces and they will be heading towards our base at one month's time to destroy us." the two who had no part in the fighting paled at her words and began to mumble to themselves, a glare from Mei quickly shut them up. "Because of this I am planning an evacuation of the base, we are lucky that we were able to get this information fast enough so that we can evacuate the base without costing lives."

"So we're going to have to run eh?" asked Ao with a small grumble, "back in my day when we had to face such engagements we..."

"Ao..." Mei interrupted with a sickly sweet voice as one of her perfectly shaped eye brows twitched. "Shut up... or I'll kill you..."

Ao paled, "I... I didn't mean to imply that..."

Naruto gave a silent laugh as he listened to the small banter, Naruto had realized awhile ago that this was a common occurrence between the two. Mei tended to get a particularly bad attitude when Ao would start talking, mainly because he would somehow end up making a comment that could easily be taken as a talk about marriage. Mei had confided in Naruto privately that she was somewhat depressed that she was going to reach her thirties in a few years and had yet to find a husband. Naruto had merely laughed and told her that a woman as beautiful as her shouldn't worry about such things since she would no doubt have men flocking to her as soon as the war was over. This had led to a little word play between the two that had begun to happen more often these days, especially when it was just the two of them.

"Mei neechan," Naruto said getting her attention as well as several glares from the others at calling Mei by such a in there eyes, disrespectful suffix.

"Yes Naruto-kun?" Mei asked not caring to look at the shocked and jealous looks the two received, honestly she had figured these people would have been used to it by now.

"I don't think there is any need to evacuate, in fact this could be where we end the war." Naruto statement caused several shocked looks all around; it was extremely bold to claim that they could end the war right now. Despite numerous recent victories and cutting down about 1/3 of Yagura's forces, they were still outnumbered 3 to 1.

"That's a bold claim to make Naruto," Mei said dropping the suffix as she adopted a completely serious tone, "I assume you have a plan?"

Naruto simply blazed his eyes as they became EMS and all others frightened and he pulled out and set down a large tri-pronged kunai on the table, while the people around him were wondering what the odd kunai was, Mei's eyes widened. "You mean..."

"Yes," Naruto said in a firm voice, "it's time the world was reintroduced to the flash."


I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

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