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Chapter 51 Buy another House

As for the idea of ​​renting a room first and occupying a space, it simply doesn't work.

Because this area will be taken over by the government in the future, and the flood will submerge half of Wucheng, and there will be countless homeless people who need to be arranged.

Except for the owner's ownership of the house, the rest are in accordance with the arrangements of the government. After half a year of rioting, no one is disobedient, and if disobedient, they have no food, and they have to be arrested and sent to reform through labor.

Including renting a house, etc. must be rearranged. If it is related, add some people to it. If it does not matter, let you live in the parking space line divided by the basement. If you have not paid the full amount of the loan to buy a house, you will also need to hand in some food every month! Because the loan is the bank, and the bank is the state.

As for how the government knows whether you bought a house or not, whether you bought it with a loan or bought it in full... Since the big data in 2018, you can know all your information by swiping your ID card, including when you received it on December 2022. Past relief food.

On record means: record what you did or did good on your ID record. In the post-apocalyptic period, they received relief food and swiped their ID cards. Those who committed crimes were directly blacklisted.

Therefore, in the last days, we do not support idle people. If we want to survive, we must create value.

Her thoughts were pulled away, and when Jing Shu came back to her senses, she already had a few more messages.

Selling Building 25: "Sister, I spent 250,000 yuan to buy the house, renovate it, buy furniture and appliances, and spend 100,000 yuan. These new ones are all free. I originally wanted to live on weekends, but now I'm selling it at a loss!"

Wang Cuihua posted A voice: "Then ask other people to see who doesn't have a house to live in, and whoever buys a garage now is a fool."

Selling Building 25: "..." Sister, don't demolish it if you don't buy it.

Jing Shu added this person as a friend, and then sent a message: "I want a house of 130,000 yuan, and I can give the money now. I bought a house just to hoard it. I will wait a few years for house prices to rise, and then I won't need it any more. After all There is a danger of collapse at any time."

This person thought for another ten minutes. He has been selling houses at low prices all over the past few days. The other party heard that the location was out of Wucheng. No matter how cheap the price was, he would not stock up on it. what!

"It's better to sell it than to put it in your hands. This person living in a villa and buying a house should really just be hoarding the house, and I can get a batch of food with this money, and I can't buy cabbage for 100 yuan. The man who sold Building 25 still agreed: "Then go to the formalities at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning."

The next day, Jing Shu and Jing's father sent Jing's mother to work for the first time, and brought Jing's mother lunch: sweet and sour carrots , Fried meat with fungus, spicy cabbage mixed with rice, two marinated eggs, and a bowl of refrigerated milk.

I don't dare to bring good and fresh fruits. After all, vegetables are too rare now, so I have to hide and eat this meal every time. She has been eating too much recently, and she is not enough to eat...

The recent policy change has made them These low-level people work overtime every day, exactly the same as in the previous life, but Jing Shu knows that her mother's opportunity is coming soon, and she must seize it in this life!

Then I took their ID cards when I delivered vegetables to the old couple, and went to the real estate bureau who had made an appointment yesterday to go through the procedures for buying a house together with Dad Jing and the seller. One actively sold and the other actively bought, and it went very smoothly. It's over.

When I got the key and Dad Jing came to Building 25, 100 meters away from his villa, Dad Jing was confused, "So why did you buy another house for your grandma? The house here is so remote. I also plan to go back to the city to buy a house in a few years after the economic conditions get better."

"It's too deserted here, the transportation is inconvenient, and the shopping is inconvenient, and going out is the same as going from the countryside to the city." Jing Dad's going to the supermarket these days to line up and send Jing's mother to work is really touching.

Jing Shu took Jing's dad around, and Jing Shu was very satisfied. There are three bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms. The furniture and appliances including the bed are all complete, except that there is no air conditioner. Only the bedding and other daily necessities have reached the point where you can move in with a bag.

"The decoration is very general, using cheap materials." Dad Jing said.

"Don't we owe grandpa and grandma 200,000 yuan? They definitely wouldn't want to buy them a house. And the name of grandpa and grandma is written. In the future, whether it's the third aunt or the eldest aunt and second aunt, they will live in grandma's house. It's the same as in my own house. We also have to live for at least a few years, don't we?"

Then Jingshu told Dad Jing the idea, and even said: "In the future, you and grandpa will live together when you don't quarrel, and they will move back when they quarrel. Isn't it good for two days? They want to live in the country, and they want to live here for a long time, it's their own house."

Dad Jing's eyes gradually lit up, he always wanted to live with the old couple, but living together would make Master Jing was so angry that he had a heart attack, and now this problem seems to be solved.

In the next few days, Jing's father and Jing Shu were busy rearranging the house to surprise the old couple.

Because there is no place to put UBC solar energy on the first floor, the air conditioner is not installed, but I contacted the manager last time to help install 6 various water purifiers. Bought, so it was installed quickly.

Then put the bedding, daily necessities, and some clothes of the old couple in.

Jing Shu is busy with these messes during the day. Every day, she has to store a lot of cooked food while cooking, and she has to inspect the poultry in the space at night. The quail has grown to more than 600, and she is waiting to find time to bake it and put it in the space. , Soybeans are also cooked in three batches and they can make tofu together when Jing milk comes.

In February, the major schools decided to continue the holiday, the school start time and other notices, and the third-year students also had the holiday, because the school was also canceled the special power supply treatment.

The power supply time of Wucheng has been shortened again, from 16:00 to 19:30, with only 3.5 hours of power supply per day, which has caused a lot of trouble in the lives of many citizens.

For example, to buy a power bank to prevent the phone from running out of power, you must boil the water in advance. The refrigerator is only open for three and a half hours a day, and the food in it will melt and go bad. You have to speed up the cleaning of frozen food.

Some of those who grow vegetables at home with simulated sunlight may have to give up their efforts to grow vegetables.

If you say that the troubles of life will always be overcome, it is difficult for the body to overcome. In the past, there was an air conditioner for 6 hours, but now the air conditioner can hardly be turned on for a day, and a large number of people suffer from heat stroke. However, the hospital is overloaded every day, and the drugs have long been used. It has been discontinued and cannot be supplied directly now.

The medicines of major pharmacies are basically sold out even if each person is under the purchase limit. At the same time, the government has also announced the suspension of swiping medical insurance cards, and all pharmacies will be closed and all medicines will be collected by the government!

Just like in the previous life, the medical insurance card will not be used for a long time. The government began to forcibly collect all materials. At this time, some food factories were hoarding materials.

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