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Same side as the moon

Cadence looked over her shoulder a few times, tightened the bag around her and winced from time to time as though something was in her ear whispering things.

Accalia tilted her head at this, perplexed by her cousin that hadn't the faintest idea of how on edged she looked to the perceptive of outsiders as she stared out the window.

Stiff in the shoulders, paranoid and all around off her rocker, Accalia wondered if she should bring this to Cadence's attention.

But when a door opened and closed, Accalia couldn't bring herself to and turned to face her cousin that strolled into the kitchen.


"Shit!" Cadence brought her fists up and then immediately fell to her sides, glaring at Accalia with fright. "What the hell, Accalia!"

Accalia sipped her herbal tea and gave an apology. "I didn't mean to startle you. How'd you get back?"

Cadence clasped the bag's straps and leant back on her heels. "Wasn't gonna ask your mate to borrow his car, so I caught the bus and then walked the rest of the way. They don't have bus stops in packs, you know?"

Still that snarky humour, Accalia thought to herself and hid a pleased smile.

"How's Frankie, Erisa and Thea?" Accalia followed up with and the smile instantly dropped. Cadence's features contorted into that blank look she's become all too familiar with.

Cadence ran a hand through her loose strands of hair and shrugged. "Fine. Same old. How are you and Lycus, getting cosy these days ..."

Accalia rolled her eyes and finished her tea. "Not really. We're not arguing much now, just ... talking."

"Just talking." Cadence mused.

Accalia nodded quickly, trying to convince herself that's the case. "Yes, talking, Cadence."

Cadence had her hands up in mock defence. "I realised. Anyway, any updates on the whole 'war upon us' type of thing?"

Accalia laboriously sighed and leant against the bench, thinking of the right words that wouldn't set her cousin off. "Tala and I have been getting along — don't give me that look. She's not that bad, a really good Beta for a werewolf and has been keeping me updated on most things with Cole and Zenith. Lycus doesn't like talking about it with me. Nothing has happened, but we can't take any chances. I think Lycus wants to kill them soon though, but something is stopping him."

"Yeah, you're stopping him," Cadence confirmed plainly.

Accalia's nose crinkled and said, "How? I haven't done anything."

These past few days have been nothing but quiet, as though something is waiting to explode. Accalia has spent a lot of time with Tala, her company growing on her enough that she doesn't mind being around her. Although, it doesn't escape the fact she's hanging around to act as a guard over Accalia.

It infuriated Accalia. A hunter isn't supposed to be guarded by others, their role is to take on the battle head and if you die, hopefully, death gladly greets you. Not sheltered and caged.

"Except be his mate." Cadence countered coldly. "He has something to lose now."

"Everyone has something to lose, that's the cards we've been dealt." Accalia affirmed stubbornly.

"I know I'm an idiot half the time, Accalia, but you're blind as hell."

Accalia drew in a breath and frowned at her cousin who looked like she'd rather be anywhere than here. "I'm not blind, I'm just—"

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