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The locket

Right then and there, the huntress was ready to rip the necklace from the oracle's neck.

Even if she had to tear at her skin, draw blood, hurt the oracle, Cadence would have that necklace in her grasp.

But as that hunger rose, the avid need to take, Vaela moved to the side and gestured Cadence to come in.

Cadence froze in her step and resisted the urge to peek at the necklace that hang over Vaela's dress again. She wanted to confirm it for herself, believing it be really in her presence and not a lie her unravelling mind hacked up.

"Thank you," Cadence muttered stiffly and walked into the cottage. 

It was still as disorderly and mismatched as ever. The crow stuck out strangely, its eye swivelling before it landed on Cadence, jutting its beak at her.

The door closed behind her and Vaela swept through the room, standing in front of Cadence from across a circular table.

The oracle intertwined her slender fingers together and looked pensive, silver eyes shining. "What is troubling you, Cadence Larren?"

Cadence ignored the locket around Vaela's neck and took a seat, pushing against the idea to lunge across the table.

"I've been having nightmares," Cadence voiced out, "but the thing is, it's the same nightmare. It's just gotten worse over time and feels more real."

Vaela didn't seem fazed on the matter and leant forward with a flicker of fascination dwelling along her face. "I need more information unless you want me to peek into that mind of yours."

Cadence brushed her clammy hands against her jeans and said through clenched teeth, "it started happening after I was taken, I guess. I'm locked in a metal box or a coffin. I—I just want answers as to why I'm getting them and how I can fix it. You reckon you can help me?"

Vaela closed her eyes for a long moment, mouth pulling into a mischievous grin and she took a seat. "There's that forwardness. In my past, I have dealt with dreams. It's quite complex, but also very simple if you dig for the right messages that lie within. What I'm saying is that I can offer help, but you'll need to invite me into your thoughts, leading into your psyche."

Cadence bristled up and leant back, folding her arms. That scowl didn't falter and Vaela only seemed amused by it, expecting it.

"Cadence, I'm offering you help with no charge, no bargain, nothing in return. Do you want my help or not?"

What I want is that damn necklace, Cadence wanted to snap, but bit her tongue, mulling over her raging suggestions that would lead to bloodshed.

She needed to distract the oracle, cloak any suspicion that may come her way. Cadence needed to play her part, but truthfully, she wasn't in the role-playing mood right now.

"I'll let you in. Is it gonna hurt?" Cadence asked, curiously. Postpone, ask questions and stall. Make time work with her until her hand latched onto that metal necklace.

Vaela vaguely shook her head, picked up a deck of cards and began shuffling them.

"If you can't help me, that's fine, but I just want these dreams to stop." Cadence pressed, trying not to lunge over and rip the oracle to her feet.

Cadence exhaled, mellowing out her breathing that wanted to become ragged and desperate. It was right in front of her ... sitting proudly on a neck that wouldn't have the faintest clue of Cadence's task.

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