1. The Waiting Game

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Paradise - Coldplay

Life goes on, it gets so heavy
The wheel breaks the butterfly
Every year a waterfall
In the night, the stormy night
She'll close her eyes
In the night, the stormy night
Away she's fly

Amara woke up in a cold sweat, still reeling from her vivid dream. Although, she was more confused at the situation than scared at the dream she had just awoken from.

She hadn't thought about Ultron in a little over 7 months, so why the sudden dream.

Perhaps it was just a dream and maybe she was just being paranoid, but in her experience, nothing is ever this quiet for this long. Nothing is ever this perfect for as long as it has been. Something or someone is bound to happen sooner or later.

Frankly, Amara had no idea why she was even thinking about this! On the off chance that something would happen, it's not like Tony would ever let her take a direct shot at the enemy - the Avengers are there for that: to help. I mean sure, she's fought Loki and Ultron before, but that wasn't a one on one kind of thing...it was more of a get the civilians out of the way, shield them from danger, and try and stay away from said danger kind of thing.

She's never really been in the direct line of fire, and this is her fatal flaw (or so she dramatically and repeatedly says to everyone around her) and so she will never know how to truly defend herself. But then of course Steve's response would be something along the lines of "we work as a team, you would never have to stand against enemy fire alone, and the second someone does, is the second we all fail as a team".

God, he was so so self-righteous! But Amara loved him for it. Steve was like the big brother she never had. His first and foremost priority is and has always been, the safety of his team, but no one could deny the fact that Steve has always had a soft spot for Amara. They had a close bond, but I guess that comes when you spend so much time with someone.

"Amara, your father has arranged for your training with agent Romanoff to be rescheduled to another day"

That's weird Tony had always been adamant that Amara doesn't miss a single day of training because she has to learn to defend herself without her powers 'to keep her identity intact.' Amara certainly didn't want to be the one to remind him that he was the one who revealed his identity to the world two days after his superhero debut.

"Ugh, seriously! Nat finally agreed to teach me that cool body throw she does, and now Tony decides to cancel my training? Typical!" Amara threw her hands up in exasperation, as she sat up and let them aggressively hit the pillows surrounding her - all thoughts of her dream, dispersed into the atmosphere. "Wait, FRIDAY, why is he rescheduling, again?" she said as she reluctantly began to leave the comfort of her bed.

"I believe that Mr Stark is preparing for your mission briefing."

Amara stayed in the same position, thinking that she had misheard.

"FRIDAY...I swear to shit if you're fucking with me right now..."

"I assure you, Miss Stark, I am incapable of fucking with anyone."

Amara stumbled while trying to get her slippers on.

"Oh. My. God." She was in complete and utter shock. Amara has been waiting for this moment ever since the first time she showed up at Ironman's doorstep, with a proposition to be his sidekick, at 6 years old. Instead, he agreed to help her learn to control her powers and to defend herself when she's in a situation where she can't use her powers. Amara had begged and begged for years to be able to go on regular missions, but Tony never budged. But when she turned 15 a few months ago, Amara had hoped that he might finally let her, but he still hadn't been convinced - until now. If she was being honest, Amara would always be grateful to Tony for taking a chance on her that day; it's because of him that she was who she is today - of course, she could never let him know that (his ego's big enough without her adding to it).

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