17. Revealed

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Tek It - Cafuné

I watch the moon, let it run my mood
Can't stop thinking of you
I watch you (And I watch as things play out like)
So long, nice to know you, I'll be moving on
Moving on

When Amara Stark first set out to go on her very first sleepover with her best friend, Michelle, she had no idea how the day would end, but MJ getting to know all of Amara's secrets, including her identity, would not have been her first guess.

"I-" Amara started.

"Am Aura," MJ said confidently.


"That's what you were gonna say, that you're Aura."

Amara blinked in surprise, trying to register what was happening, "H-how did you...?"

"Oh come on, it's obvious! I mean I was sure you were hiding something, I just didn't know what, until today when you walked out and 5 minutes later, Aura appeared just down the street. That was a pretty lousy attempt at hiding the truth."

"We'll I wasn't trying, I already decided that I was gonna tell you, or else, trust me, you would not have figured it out."

"What makes you think that? I'm very observant," MJ challenged.

"And I've had 15 years of experience hiding my powers and my identity. It's not that you wouldn't have realised because you can't, it's because I made it so that I would be the last person anyone would suspect, even you."

"Fair enough... I still think I would've figured it out eventually."

"You know what? Me too."

"So, does that mean you live with Tony Stark?"

Amara laughed, "Considering he's my dad, it would be pretty weird to not live with him."

"Wait so do you guys have like a hidden mansion somewhere in Malibu? Cause Tony Stark's last known address was at Malibu, you know, until the whole Mandarin thing."

"Yeah we used to live in Malibu, then it got destroyed, then my dad and Pepper built the Stark Tower, which ended up as the Avenger's Tower, and now we live there."

MJ's face lit up in incredulity, "Wait, so you live with the Avengers, as well?"

"Yeah," Amara picked up a book off of the shelf in front of them and flipped to the first page, "I'll take you there, one day, maybe introduce you to them?"

MJ stood there in obvious shock, "Really? This is so cool! I can't believe I'm friends with an Avenger, and I'm gonna meet the other Avengers!"

Amara put the book back, deciding she wasn't interested in that one, after all, "Well, not right away! My dad would kill me if he realised I gave up my identity after a few weeks!"

"Yeah, of course!" They walked to the counter to pay for the books they had chosen. "So who else knows?"

"Other than my family? Just you," Amara handed the cashier a fifty-dollar bill to pay for all of their books, "You can keep the change, thank you!" She said as she reached for the bag.

"Amara, you didn't have to do that!"

"I wanted to! As a thank you for being such a good friend that I can confide in. Also, I don't think my dad would mind," Amara said as they walked out of the bookshop and headed towards MJ's home.

"Thank you! Also, did I hear you say that I'm the only person other than your family to know?" Amara nodded and MJ smiled, "Wow! I'm honoured! Thanks for trusting me."

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