Chapter Five

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Once we get at Jess's house we get out the car and I grab my bags from the back then we make our way to the front door Jess unlocks it and goes in first moving to the side holding it open for me "come on in" she says with a smile. "Your house is nice" I say looking around "thanks, well let's go up to my room before the idiots get back" Jess says with a smile and walks up some stairs and I follow her.

We soon enter her room and I place my bags down "well this is it" she says I look around her room, it's pretty nice. "I like your room!" I say and look at her, she smiles at me "thanks, sooo I was thinking maybe we could order pizza later and watch all three divergent movies then get a big sugar rush!" she does a spin with a huge grin "sounds awesome! now I can show you how much better Four/Tobias is than Eric!" I say while smiling "nuh-uh! I can show YOU how much BETTER Eric is than him!" She says crossing her arms and gives a jokingly glare then we start laughing.

After about five minutes of talking about what we should start doing, we decided on painting our nails, we both chose black since that's the dauntless color. "I still think Eric's better than four, I mean he's super hot and has an attitude, that just makes him sexier" Jess says while giggling "Have you seen Four's abs? Ugh I can't even I might just pass out he's so hot!" I say while using my hand to fan myself. Jess rolls her eyes at me then laughs "He's okay, But Eric is a leader, which means he has power and when he's angry he's just really hot" Jess says then winks at me, I laugh "mhm whatever" and we both laugh and finish our nails to let them dry.

About an hour later we braided each other's hair and put on our pjs already to be comfy. I'm wearing gray sweatpants and a white tank top and Jess is wearing black shorts with a pink shirt that says 'girl boss' I giggle a little and say "nice shirt" she rolls her eyes "thanksss" we both laugh for a minute and head downstairs, we grabbed some pickles and candy then made our way to the living room to start watching divergent.

We grab some blankets and pillows, place the snacks on the table grabbed some drinks as well, and got comfy. Jess got the tv ready then we got started. Once it got to when they jumped on the roof at dauntless Jess started to squeal excitedly "omg it's Eric!" She says I roll my eyes "mhm looks like his plain and terrible self" i say she playfully pushes me a little and I laugh "hey! Don't say that about my man" she says then giggles "your man?" I raise a brow "yes my man" she says and now tris jumps off the roof through to hole and here comes four helping her roll off the net I look at four's face, he really is handsome.

Now we are at the part where Al, Peter and whoever else helped to try and push tris into the chasm and here comes four punching and slamming a head into the wall and takes on the others. After he dealt with those idiots he picks tris up and takes her to his room. Ten minutes later we hear someone open the door and yell "I'm home!" Jess sighs and whispers "here comes the devil's" I laugh a little "Okay! Just don't bother me and my friend please! We are watching a movie" Jess yells back then comes two tall guys the one behind the other looks a little familiar and the guy in front sighs "You aren't boring your friend with your obsession are you?" He asks raising a brow at Jess then turns to me and puts his hand out for me to shake it as I do he says "Hey I'm Dylan, it's nice to see that Jess's friend is actually real" he chuckles a little and smiles "I'm Danny, nice to meet you" I smile and the other guy comes out of the corner he was at and says "Danny?" And I recognize it as Matthew. "You know her?" Dylan takes a step back and looks at Matthew "yeah we are in a few classes together" Matthew says "huh, well I guess we'll let you two ladies get back to your movie hope you don't get to bored Danny" Dylan chuckles a little "ha like she could ever get bored, she's just as obsessed as I am!" Jess says "now get out pleaseee" she adds and they walk out and we continue watching our movie.

About an hour later we get hungry and Jess calls a pizza place, the movie is already done and we are about to start the second, insurgent. After about 25 minutes there's a knock on the door, Jess pause's the movie grabs some money and walks to the door, five minutes later she comes back with a box of pizza and two plates.

We finally finished the second movie and we decide to take a small break and do some karaoke. We carefully move the coffee table out of the way so we have more room, Jess goes on YouTube  we start talking about some songs then Jess starts typing 'Dear Future Husband' by Meghan Trainor. We start singing a little quiet at first but then we get comfortable and start singing louder and start dancing a little. We both laugh a little, after that we do 'better when I'm dancin' then we do 'black magic' by little mix. About ten minutes after our karaoke we start talking about our fictional crushes and some other characters. Then Matthew comes into the room "Hey Jess, mom wants you to call her" he says "okay..why?" She asks he just shrugs "I don't know, she just told me to tell you to call her" Jess sighs "okay, wait here I'll be right back!" Jess says and exits the room.

"I didn't know you were Jess's brother" I say looking at Matthew "I didn't know you were her friend" he looks at me in eyes, I start to blush a little. He's really cute- I just met him! What am I thinking? He's also Jess's brother! But he is cute..he's wearing some sweatpants and a black shirt, he definitely has some muscles. He laughs a little "Jess has talked about you a little, but didn't really think the Danny she talked about was you, not disappointed tho it's good to know you're her friend" he smiles that amazing smile that I started to fall for "oh! You have a good voice btw" I blush a little "you heard us?" I scratch the back of my neck a little embarrassed "yeah, well mostly Jess cause y'know she loud and all, but your voice is good from what I heard" he laughs a little and I smile "thanks, I guess Jess was just a little loud" I giggle

About five minutes later Jess comes back, and Matthew leaves and we go back talking about divergent. An hour later we watch the last movie, Allegiant.   When the movie is over we talk about some old crushes we had, Jess tells me she had this crush on a guy named max in 2nd grade and she fell right in front of him with a cupcake and it made a mess on her and she was really embarrassed we both laugh and I tell her about when I was four years old I followed my crush around the playground and when he asked if I was following him I said nope and went the other way down the slide she laughs at me "hey! I was four and he was a cutie" I say and she just laughs more and I join in "you just followed him? That's a little creepy" she giggles "yeah yeah yeah I know, but I was nervous to even talk to him" I say and she starts talking about a few other crushes she had and I tell her a few more of mine as well.

It's now 1am and we are just getting into bed, we were thinking about staying up later but we thought about it and decided we should go shopping tomorrow, as soon as I rest my head on the pillow I'm out and so is Jess both of us tired from the long day of school and the fun we had afterwards.
Author- hey! sorry I was trying to get this out Saturday but I got busy then yesterday I was gonna go home after church but then got busy again. Anyways hope you like this extra long chapter! I'll try and get at least another chapter out today and maybe even a 3rd!

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