Chapter Seven

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In the morning I got up, made my bed, showered,  got dressed, put my hair in a bun and walked downstairs for breakfast. But when I entered the kitchen I saw two people I never expected to see, my parents.

"Good morning Danielle" my father says "good morning" I mumbled loud enough for them to hear "are you hungry, sweetie?" my mom asks as she puts some eggs on a plate with bacon "uh yeah.." I grab the plate and make my way to the table where my father is sipping on his coffee doing something on his laptop "so uh..what are you guys doing here?" I ask while eating some eggs "what do you mean? we live here" my father says as he places his coffee down "that's not what I meant, I mean you guys are never here and I was just wondering why you showed up..not saying it's bad that you did..." I say moving the eggs around with my fork. My father sighs as he closes his laptop "you know we love you Danielle, right?" He says I keep messing with my food not saying anything "you think we don't love you? if we didn't we wouldn't be here Danielle, you're our daughter and we'd do anything for you" my dad says putting his hand on mine. I slip my hand away and scoff at him "really? cause it doesn't seem like you love me, you guys are never here! I haven't seen you in years! and mom barely ever comes, so do you actually love me or are you just saying that to make me feel better? Because it's really not working" I say "Danielle we are busy people! Of course I'm not gonna be able to be here all the time-" I cut him off and my mother just stands there shocked "you're never here! It's been years since I've heard anything from you! No calls, no texts, not even letters! What the heck!? Yeah I'm your daughter, you're supposed to be here to care for me, I don't care if I see you only once a week, I've always wanted you around, but work always comes first, huh?" I say with tears in my eyes "Don't talk to me like that! Be grateful I'm here right now, listen I care for you Danielle, now be good and eat your food" he says in an angry tone "Y'know what I don't have time for this, Bye" I say and rush upstairs, I quickly grab my bag and phone and go back downstairs, slip on my shoes while my parents come to get me I quickly run outside get in my car and rushed out.

It's now been 3 hours and I'm at the park right now trying to think of what I'm gonna do next..they really think it's okay to just leave and come back whenever they want, last time I saw my father was 3 years ago since he was 'busy' with work. Yeah sure my mom has came a few times at least once a month, but she'd always leave after being around for an hour and not really care. I sigh as I kick some dirt around, what am I gonna do? I honestly don't care if they're angry at me for yelling, they should've thought about how I felt over the years, he says he cares but I know he doesn't, if he did he would be here with me right now, but whatever I don't need them...I wonder what Jess is doing right now..maybe she'd let me go to her house for a bit? I don't wanna be a bother tho.. I really don't wanna be alone. I pull out my phone and start texting Jess.
Me- Hey Jess, I know we literally just saw each other yesterday..but I really don't wanna be at my house right now, if you don't mind do you think I could come over for a little bit?

Jess- Of course you can come over! I really don't mind at all, is something bothering you tho?

Me- Yeah- I'll tell you about it when I get there, Cya!

Jess- Alright, Cya.
I then get up and make my way to my car, I hop on in, start it up and start driving to Jess's.
Author- this was an interesting chapter to write, what do y'all think of the parents so far?

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