Chapter Fifteen

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When I wake up I feel a pair of arms wrapped around me, I turn my head and see a sleeping Matthew. I blush and smile seeing how cute and precious he looks, I then wiggle out of his arms and get up. 'oh shoot! I forgot I was doing homework..wait what time is it?' I thought as I picked up my phone seeing it says 9:47. 'oh gosh! I should wake up Matthew..even tho he looks adorable' I smile 'pull yourself together and just wake him up!' I think as I shake his shoulder "Matthew, wake up" I say and he just turns in his sleep pulling the blanket closer to him, I sigh "Matthew!" I yell and he jumps a little standing up quickly startled "did something happen?!" He asks obviously still tired and confused/concerned, I laugh a little and pat his shoulder "No, nothing happened, but it is almost should probably get going, your parents are probably worried wondering where you are" I say with a small smile and he nods his head "yeah, that's a good idea, ah I'm sorry Danny- you were supposed to study and I kinda kept you from that" he says scratching the back of his neck "hey it's okay! don't worry about it, I'll get it done- you should focus on getting home safely" I say as I lead him to the door. He grabs his keys and is now walking out the door and turns around "Bye Danny" he says and smiles "Bye Matthew" I reply and he quickly kisses my forehead and rushes to his car, I wave as he pulls out and sighs happily, I blush and shake my head with a big smile on my face as I close the door and lock it.

I rush upstairs and make it back into my room and start getting back to work. After a few hours it's now around 1:30 I yawn realizing I should be asleep, I quickly get up and make my way to the bathroom and brush my teeth, after that I change into some pjs and hop into bed, as soon as I rest my head on the pillow I fall asleep.
Dream- I'm walking around in the woods, I can feel something watching me but I see no one. I continue to walk around until I bump into something, I back away a little while I look up seeing it's Matthew. "There you are Danny, ready for our date?" He asks grabbing one of my hands "what date?" I ask confused as he brings me over to this gorgeous picnic/camping area "the one we've been talking about doing silly" he says shaking his head a little while letting out a chuckle, I smile as we sit down, he starts to gather some stuff and I notice some marshmallows, chocolates, and graham crackers. He starts a fire "want some s'mores?" he asks with a smile and I nod "yes please!" I say and he laughs a little and grabs some sticks and hands me one with a marshmallow on it, we roast our marshmallows and we put together our s'mores putting the chocolate down on the graham cracker and squishing the marshmallow in between, I take a bite "mmm!" I hum very happily as the treat taste delicious as always "this is so good!" I say and Matthew chuckles "yeah it is" and adds on "oh you got a little something on you" he moves closer and wipes off some crumbs off the corner of my lips and leans in getting closer as I lean in a little too, getting closer he cups my face in his hands and we are inches apart..lips almost touching....then....
Author- hello guys, sorry for not posting, I was well A- busy and B- Lazy :) I'll try and post moreee!! Hope y'all like this chapter, idk how I feel about the dream part just felt like adding it y'know? 😃 anyways I'll get another chapter out today I promise! ❤️

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