Chapter Thirty-Three

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Hey it's me again, Danny. Well this story is coming to an end, me and Matthew are still together, we lasted through the rest of high school and throughout college, we even got married and had twins, Julia and Jackson. here's how he proposed.

"Wow, I remember when we hiked here years ago..still beautiful" I say replaying the memory "Danielle" I hear Matthew say my name and turn around to see him down on one knee I gasp shocked covering my mouth with on hand "You are the most Beautiful, Strong, Smart, Kind, Funny person I've ever met, and I love you with all my heart and wanna be with you forever, Will you Danielle Adams, Marry me?" he asks with a beautiful diamond ring in a black box. "Yes!" I say and he quickly gets up and pulls me into a kiss, after a minute we pull apart with big smiles on both of our faces and some happy tears in my eyes, Matthew slips the ring on my hand and we share another kiss.

A year later (at the wedding)

"Do you Matthew Smith take Danielle Adams to be your wife?" asks the priest "I do" Matthew says with a smile as we look into each other's eyes "Do you Danielle Adams take Matthew Smith to be your husband?" asks the priest "I do" I answer "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" the priest says and Matthew wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into a kiss.

Then now currently it's been 7 years later..

"Mommy! Jacky hit me!" Yells my 5 year old daughter Julia "he did? I'll talk to him, go get daddy and tell him aunt jess and uncle connor will be here any minute" (and yes Connor and Jess did get together, no they aren't married..yet;). I finish up the garlic bread, and start adding the sauce to some spaghetti noodles, I hear a knock at the door. "Matthew! That's them answer the door please!" I yell "okay!" I hear him answer and I hum a small tune. "look who it is my favorite niece and nephew!" I hear Jess say "Danny!" I turn around to see Jess. "Jess!" We run to each other and hug, jess squeezes tight "can't..breathe" I say "Jess don't kill my wife" I hear Matthew say as she pulls away "I wasn't gonna, Ah I missed you so much!" She says looking back at me "Jess we saw each other last week" I say while laughing a bit "that felt like years!" she says, I give Connor a quick hug "nice to see you again" I say and he smirks "you know, from when Matthew first mentioned you, I knew you guys were both gonna end up getting married" he says "remember when I told you that and you said I was crazy?" he asks Matthew and Matthew wraps an arm around my waist "oh yeah, I remember" he answers "well look who's "crazy" now" Connor says still smirking "Darling, you still are crazy" Jess says with a small laugh, Matthew kisses my forehead "let's eat now, shall we?" he asks "yes!" yells Julia and Jackson loudly obviously ready to eat.

And if you are ever wondering about my parents, well my mother died of cancer and my dad is still a workaholic, he does come around a few times a month, but besides that everything else is well, and that's it, my happily ever after.
Author- it's so sad it had to come to an end, I had fun writing this story! I hoped you all enjoyed it! Cause I know I did! Thank you for reading it :) love you all❤️

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