Chapter Thirteen

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In the morning I get up and jump out of bed, I smile when I remember everything that happened yesterday and sigh happily, I make my bed then make my way to the bathroom to shower. After about ten minutes I jump on out and dry off, I put on some jeans and a plain black shirt then I make my way downstairs. I eat my normal breakfast eggs and bacon then clean up, after that I head back upstairs and decide to straighten my hair, after doing my hair I brush my teeth and grab some socks and slip them on, I head downstairs and put my lunch in my bag and make my way to the door, I put on my shoes and sling the bag on my shoulder walking out the door and locking it, I make my way to my car and hop on in, I smile when I remember how Matthew kissed me on the cheek then I make my way to school smiling like crazy.

Once I finally arrive at school I head to my locker and there I see him. "Hey stranger" I say as I start to open up my locker "hey! how'd you sleep?" he asks as I grab my books "great, you?" I say looking up at him and smiling "fantastic" he replies and winks at me, I blush and roll my eyes playfully as I close my locker and start walking, he quickly follows me sliding his fingers between mine. "So are you doing anything after school?" he asks and I nod "actually yeah, I have this test I gotta prepare for" I reply looking up at him, he seems a little disappointed but then smiles "oh okay" is all he says "are you doing anything?" I ask looking ahead of me making sure I don't bump into anyone "eh maybe, the guys might head into town so I might tag along, y'know to keep them out of trouble and stuff" he says laughing a little and I smile "trouble? noo, they seem great" I laugh and look up to him and see him smiling as he looks at me "you look great by the way" he says and winks I look forward again and blush "thanks, you look the same as always" I reply and smile "and what's that?" he asks raising a brow as I look back up, I shrug my shoulders "cute" I say and laugh a little and he squeezes my hand a bit as we enter class.

After class Matthew walks me to my next class, but before he goes he kisses my forehead and walks off and I blush a lot, I enter my class and sit at my chair and can barely focus only thinking about Matthew.

It's now lunch and wow time flies by fast, at science I told Jess I needed to talk to her about something, I nervously pick at my food as I see her enter the cafeteria and walk on over to me, she sets down her lunch and looks at me "hey, what's up?" she asks smiling and I smile back 'no going back now' I think to myself, I look her in the eyes and say "listen Jess, I know I said me and Matthew were just friends...which we are! It's just that...I don't want to be just friends with him...Jess, I like Matthew. I understand if you're mad at me, but I can't help it- he's just really cute and so nice and he makes me feel safe in a way- I know it may sound weird since he's your brother and all, but I've started to catch feelings, I know I haven't known him for that long, but I wanna get to know him more-" and before I can continue Jess sets her fork down and places her hand on mine "Danny, breathe. It's okay- I'm not mad, I promise! Just a little surprised, I'll allow you to date him as long as you don't forget about me" Jess says and I smile at her "Jess..I could never forget about you! Thank you thank you thank you!" I reply and she smiles "okay now that's settled, tell me what happened yesterday!" She says as she pulls her hand away and starts to eat again. After I tell her what he did and that he kissed me on my forehead, and I also tell her how he did that as he dropped me off at class. "Wow, he definitely likes you a lot" Jess says eating a cookie "really? you think so?" I ask blushing a little and she nods her head "yeah totally! I mean he holds your hand and kisses you- it's obvious!" she laughs a little and I blush more.

-At gym- after lunch I went to my next class which passed by quickly and now here I am entering gym. As soon as I walk in Matthew makes eye contact and walks on over to me "hey" he says "hi stranger" I say and he laughs grabbing my hand and sliding his fingers between mine, I notice two of his friends are missing and that it's only Connor. "Hey Danny" Connor says smirking at me and I wave with my free hand "Hi! where's the others?" I ask looking around but don't see them. "Skipping, they didn't feel like being at school so they are hanging out at Brad's" Connor explains and I nod my head, after a few minutes of talking gym starts and we do some laps around the gym. after gym Matthew walks me to my next class and waves bye as he walks off and I enter the room.
-after school-

As I walk on over to my car I hear my voice being called and I turn around to see it's Jess "Danny! Hey" she says and I smile "hey" I reply "you busy today?" she asks and I nod "yeah I am sorry, I have a test to prepare for" I reply "that's alright! How about tomorrow you come over and we can have dinner and just hang out? If you aren't busy of course!" she says and smiles "yeah, sure! sounds great" I say "alright! well good luck, Cya!" She says and starts to walk off "bye!" I reply and make my way to my car, as I hop on in I sigh happily and start my car and make my way back home.
Author- here's another chapter! hehe Jess approves..I wonder who will make the next move ;)

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