Chapter Twenty-One

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In the morning, I took a shower, got dressed, ate breakfast, and now I'm at school, I'm in the parking lot debating if I wanna go in or not, after a few minutes I walk inside and head to my locker which I see Matthew and a smile grows on my face.

"Hey" he says as I open my locker "Hey stranger" I reply "you busy after school?" he asks and I shake my head no "well you are now" he says and I laugh a little "okay" I say and I shut my locker and he slips his fingers between mine and we start walking to class. after that Matthew walks me to my next class and kisses my forehead before he leaves to his, that class passes by finally and I make my way to science. When I get there I see Jess and plop next to her "Hey girl" Jess says "Hi" I reply "I'm boreddd" she says and I laugh a little "well I'm not" I say and smirk and add "also..I got something to tell you, later tho at lunch" and she raises a brow "why not now?" she asks "cause class is about to start" I reply and the teacher walks in and we start class.
-time skip to lunch-

"So what did you want to tell me?" she asks as we sit down and pops a grape in her mouth, I blush a little "Well..when Matthew was dropping me off..we were about to kiss- then my parents came and ruined the moment" I say and sigh "I mean I love them and all...but everything was going great, they couldn't have waited just 3 seconds" I sighed again "wait what?! you guys were gonna kiss?!" Jess said whisper yelling and I nod "oh my gosh! kinda weird since it's my brother, but I can't believe you almost had your first kiss!" she giggles as I blush and nod "I know..he looked so cute, and adorable and I just wanted to kiss him so badly" I sigh and add "but of course that had to get ruined.." I roll my eyes "oh and apparently me and him are hanging out after school" I add and Jess laughs a bit "just don't forget about little old me when you and him are riding off into the sunset on a horse, living an amazing life on the ranch and having a bunch of kids and only come to see me on Christmas" she says and I laugh "what?-" I say between laughs "just saying" she reply's and rolls her eyes and smiles "I could never forget youuu, I say we should have a sleepover!" I say and Jess nods "Yes!" she says agreeing, then we finish our food talking about random stuff.
-time skip to gym-

I walk in and I see Matthew so I make my way over to him, I smile as he slips his fingers between mine "Hey" I say as he kisses my forehead and I blush "Hey" he smiles "Hey Danny" Connor says smirking at me and Matthew "Hey Connor! how are you?" I ask "I'm doing great, you?" he answers and smiles "I'm good" I reply, we talk for a few more minutes and finally gym starts.

After gym Matthew walks me to my next class "I'll pick you up later at your house, okay?" he says and I nod, he kisses my forehead and makes his way to his class.
-time skip to after school-

As I make my way to my car I hear my name being called and I turn to see Jess making her way over to me "Danny! Hey!" She says as she reaches me and try's to catch her breath "Hey, what's up?" I ask raising a brow "I was wondering what kind of movie you wanted to watch tonight" she says and I smile "you can pick" I reply "ooo! Okay! well I gotta go but I'll see you later! Bye Danny!" she says "bye!" and she rushes off and I shake my head a little letting out a small laugh as I enter my car and make my way back home.
Author- Helloooo!👋😉sorry I didn't post sooner 💀 I was lazy and I was thinking of new chapter ideas..mostly lazy 🙄 anyways hope y'all enjoyed this chapter..😌🤌

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