Chapter Twenty-Seven

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About an hour later I hear the doorbell, I get up and grab my stuff and walk downstairs and slip on my shoes, I open the door to see a smiling Matthew. "Hey, you ready?" he asks and I nod my head with a smile, I walk out and lock the door and we walk to his car, he opens my door for me and I slip on in and close it, he walks around to the drivers door and hops on in, we put our seatbelts on and he backs out of the driveway and to his house.

Once we finally get there we head on in, I say hi to his mom and Jess then we head upstairs to his room, I sat my bag down and plopped on the bed. "You look comfy" Matthew says and I nod "yeah I am, your bed is reallyyy comfy" I say and he laughs a little plopping down next to me and wraps an arm around me and pulls me close "you're very adorable" he says and kisses my cheek as I blush "No I'm not!" I say as I look him in the eyes "yes you are" he says and I shake my head "nope!" "yes" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" "whatever" I say and roll my eyes and he laughs a little "very adorable" he says and kisses my cheek and I roll my eyes and blush, we lock eyes and he leans in a little and I start to lean in as well..

when we are about to kiss they door swings open and I jump away and so does he, we both look to the door to see Jess standing right there "what do you want Jess?" Matthew asks annoyed "Oh I just needed to ask Danny something" she says and Matthew rolls his eyes clearly still annoyed at his sister "can't you ask her later? we are busy" he says and she laughs a little "doing what? you both are just laying down-" she starts then eyes go wide "Oh my goodness Matthew get yourself away from my precious innocent angel!" she says and rushes in the room grabbing my arm and pulling me off the bed and holds onto me "what?-" he says confused then realizes what she's talking about "oh my- Jess we weren't gonna do anything! seriously? just go away please!" he says getting up and dragging Jess out of the room "Wait! What about the thing I gotta ask Danny about!" she says as he pushes her out the door "later" is all he says before shutting it and locking then door. "Ah sorry about that.." he says as he turns around scratching the back of his neck "it's okay" I say softly and laugh a little and he raises a brow "what's so funny?" he asks curiously "well whatever the heck just happened was kinda just funny..little weird but funny" I say and he smiles and shakes his head a little "I can give you another reason to laugh.." he says and rushes over to me and tackles me and starts to tickle me and I start laughing and squealing a little "Matthewww-" I say laughing "stoppp- Matthew!" He tickles me for at least 10 minutes before he stops "my stomach hurts from laughing" I say and he laughs as I punch his shoulder "shut uppp" I say and roll my eyes at him, he slips his arms around me and pulls me close to him "you're really pretty" he says and I blush "I am?" I ask and smile as I rest my head on his chest "yeah you are" he says moving one of his arms to hold my hand, after a bit of sitting in silence I fall asleep in his arms.
Author- hope y'all liked this chapter 😉 I kinda didn't know what to write sooo yeah, okay bye now 🤗

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