Chapter Twenty

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I walk into the living room where my parents are currently sitting on the couch, I sit on the beanbag by the corner "who was that boy?" my father asks "don't worry about it, you want forgiveness, right? give me a reason why I should forgive you" I say and my mother nods "Danielle Sweetie, we know we messed up, and we want to be together and wanna make it up to you, I know we aren't the greatest and it's hard to get along sometimes..but if you give us a second chance I promise we'll make up for everything" mom says then dad adds "and if you wanna have a day or two to think about it, we'll give you time and if you choose not to forgive us..we'll understand" I nod "okay..I'll think about it" I reply

My parents left a few minutes after that leaving me to think about my choice. I'm not sure what I want...I mean I'm still mad for leaving me here all alone, but at the same time I want my family back, maybe I should give them a second chance- I sigh as I walk upstairs to my room and flop on the bed, I pull out my phone and start texting Matthew.
Me- Hey stranger

Matthew- Hey, how did it go?

Me- was alright, they want a second chance, I might give them one

Matthew- well that's good

Me- Yeah..I kinda don't wanna talk about it anymore, whatcha doing rn?

Matthew- playing a game

Me- playing what?

Matthew- guess😉

Me- uhhh Minecraft?

Matthew- nope

Me- tell me!!

Matthew- guesssssss

Me- roblox?

Matthew- nope

Me- tell me?🥺

Matthew- guess!😏

Me- uh fine uhhh call of duty??🤨

Matthew- Nope!

Me- just tell meee pleaseee🥺

Matthew- more guess

Me- Hmm, Fortnite?🥸

Matthew- Mhm😌

Me- Ooo fun, I hope you lose😊

Matthew- wow, thanks🙄

Me- Matthewwww

Matthew- What?

Me- I'm bored😒

Matthew- that sucks

Me- mhm

Me- Matthewwwww

Me- Matthewwwww

Me- Matthewwwwwwwww

Me- Matthewwwww


Me- Pleaseeee🥺

Me- Matthewwwwwww

Matthew- I just died....💀

Me- I-

Me- HAHAHHAHAH, that must suck, what place did ya get?

Matthew- ...2nd

Me- Really? not bad..but I could do better..☺️

Matthew- hm, it seems like we'll have to do a 1v1 sometime...but I bet I am better than you😉

Me- I guess we will🥸

Matthew- I gtg..I'll talk to you later🥺

Me- yeah yeah, Okayy

Matthew- Bye😘

Me- Bye loser✋🙄
'He's adorable..' I think to myself as I pull a blanket over me and rest my head on my pillow and fall asleep.
Author- sorry it's kinda a short chapter.. but what's your favorite video game? mines Fortnite rn 😌🤌

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