Chapter Twenty-Three

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As soon as I walk in I get tackled "Danny!" Jess screams from excitement and I hear Matthew chuckle and I laugh "Hey Jess" I say smiling as she gets up and helps me "I'm so happy that you're here!" she says squealing and I laugh a little more "me too!" I say and she drags me up the stairs into her room.

She plops onto the bed dragging me down with her. "I say let's stay up all night!" She says and giggles "okay, sure! what should we start with first?" I ask and she taps her chin thinking. "Hmmm, we could start by painting our nails" she says and I nod "sure!" I say and she gets up grabbing some nail polish "let's do the same color!" she says excitedly and I laugh a little bit "okay sure" I reply and sit up "I'll do yours first, you can pick the color" she says "Red" I reply and she nods grabbing red and starts applying it. About five minutes later I start putting the polish on her finger nails and we wait till it's dry.

About 20 minutes later after talking the nails are dry and we decide to do some karaoke, Jess grabs her phone and we start with "Dear future husband" by Meghan Trainor, then "Shake it off" by Taylor Swift, the "22" by Taylor Swift, then "Dibs" by Kelsea Ballerini and a few more songs.

After dancing around and singing they plop back on the bed laughing and trying to catch their breath's. "That was great!" Jess says giggling turning her head to the right to look at me and smiles, I smile back as I turn my head to look at her "yeah it was" I say and laugh a little and add "what should we do now?" she sits up and taps her chin "let's go outside and jump on the trampoline!" she says and giggles as she jumps off the bed and I get up, we then rush downstairs and race to the backyard.

Once we get outside we start jumping around the trampoline, then Jess tackles me and we start laughing and wrestled a little. now we are just a laying and talking about random things. "Okay, so if you could have any pet in the entire world what would it be?" Jess asks, I tap my chin thinking "hmm, a wolf" I answer "mine would be an elephant" she says "cool! so besides Eric who would you pick to date?" I ask "probably Caleb" she answers and I gasp "Caleb?! Tris' betraying brother?!" I say and laugh a little and she laughs too "yeah, he's cute! I kinda like him" she says and adds "what about you? If you can't have Tobias who would you choose?" she raises a brow as I start to think "hmm, Oh! I'd probably choose Al, I mean yeah I know he did try to kill Tris and all, but he was nice and cute" I say and she just looks at me "Al? Seriously? He tries to kill her!" Jess says "Eric tried killing her too! A few times actually!" I say and laugh, she joins in and laughs. We continue and talk about divergent and then some random things.

After about half an hour we decide on making friendship bracelets, so right now me and Jess are in her room picking out some string and beads.
"Ooohh! This looks good right?" Jess asks holding up her bracelet for me to see "Yeah! It does!" I respond and add another bead to mine "yours is looking good too!" She says as we add more beads "thanks!" I say and we keep making them until they're finished and start working on some more bracelets.

An hour after making bracelets we go downstairs to the living room with some snacks and start to watch a movie, we decided on Shrek 2. After the movie we order pizza cause why not? We start another movie, The Fault In Our Stars. 20 minutes later we hear the doorbell, Jess pause's the movie and grabs the cash and makes her way to the door, a few minutes later she comes back with the pizza and we dig right in and start the movie again. After the movie and we finish eating we start to do more karaoke. 30 minutes later we make our way back up to Jess's room and hang out.

We are currently in our pjs on Jess's bed on our phones showing each other memes and videos we find funny, a few hours later Jess falls asleep 'so much for staying up all night' I think to myself and smile then I fall asleep as well.
Wow it's uhh been a while since I've posted, Sorryyy🥺 I'll try and post something tomorrow!❤️

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