Chapter Twenty-Five

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A few weeks has passed and me and Matthew have gotten closer, currently me and Jess are at the park and she's telling me all about this boy she met the other day at school.

"He's not only super cute but he's also funny!" Jess says sighing happily with a big smile "and he's in one of my classes and offered to walk me to class tomorrow!" she adds squealing from excitement and I laugh a little "well that's nice of him!" I say and pat her on the shoulder and she nods "yeah, he's also helping me with a test I have in a few days after school" she says and then her phone dings "Oh shoot! I gotta go, my mom needs me! I'll see you at school!" She says as she grabs her bag "yeah! Cya!" I say and she says bye then leaves, I lay back down on the grass closing my eyes

"Well hello there" I hear a familiar voice say and I open my eyes to see Connor. "Hey Connor! What's up?" I ask sitting up "Eh, nothing much just getting some fresh air, what about you?" he answers "Well I was just hanging out with Jess, and now I'm just hanging myself" I say and laugh a little and he smiles as he sits down "well now we can hang out! only if you want to" he says and I nod "Sure!".
-time skip-

"No way!" Connor says laughing "No- No way you did that!" He says laughing still and I laugh as well "yep! I was a creepy little stalker when I was younger" I say and he calms himself down laughing a little. Currently I was telling him a few story's of my old crushes from when I was younger, right now I'm telling him about my old neighbor, Gavin. I used to watch him walk, or work around his house or when he was playing with his friends outside, yeah I was just a little bit of a stalker but I've calmed down from that and stopped doing it...sorta. I was telling Connor how I was outside "reading" a book while sneakily watching him play catch with his friends, and of course I got caught so I ran inside with my book and locked the door embarrassed I got caught watching him. "But I have stopped those old habits" I say and he laughs a little "yeah, wouldn't want to turn into Edward Cullen watching people sleep at night" he says laughing and I laugh too "But just saying, Matthew would be Edward, he likes you a lot and talks about you a lot as well, gets a little annoying but I find it cute that he cares for you so much in the little time you've known each other for, he does kinda get clingy fast when he likes someone" he says and I smile "he talks about me?" I say wondering what he's said and Connor nods "yep! he goes on and on about how beautiful you are, and how smart you are, and that you're very adorable when concentrating on painting, or how he could listen to you talk about random things for hours, or even just hearing you laugh makes him feel better" and I blush and he smiles at me and puts each hand on both sides of my shoulder looking me in the eyes "this man has fell for you hard, Danny" he says and adds "and I'm Cupid waiting for y'all to finally get together because even a blind man could tell y'all like each other and you guys are only wasting time, so just confess your feelings and let's get this ship sailed!" and I blush some more "you're right, I do like him, a lot! but I've never confessed my feelings for anyone exactly do I tell him?" I ask nervously "well, there's plenty of ways to confess your feelings, you could sing him a song, write a poem, a letter, tell him straight to his face, or even text or call him, either way I bet he'll say yes 100%" he says and I nod "okay..I'll think about it, thanks!" and he smiles "no problem" he checks his phone before getting up "I gotta go, I'll see you at school" he helps me up before saying bye and running off.

When I get home thoughts of Matthew run through my head, smiling at the things we've done so far. I lay down on my bed scrolling through my phone when I decide to finally text my parents saying I'd like to try being a family again, I know they'll try this time but I'm scared they aren't gonna go through with it fully. After ten minutes I get a text back saying, that they'll give me my space and slowly make there way back until I'm fully ready, after that I get ready for bed and hop on in, before I fall asleep I look to my phone to see I got another text.
Matthew- Goodnight Danny, sleep well❤️
Me- Goodnight Matthew, I hope the bed bugs visit you tonight again❤️

Matthew- Thanks🙄

Me- No problem😊

Matthew- Goodnight❤️

Me- Goodnight🙄

Matthew- ❤️

Me- 👋

Matthew- ❤️

Me- okay bye

Matthew- ❤️

Me- ugh fine

Me- ❤️

Matthew- thank youuu, okay bye now❤️
I laugh a little before I put my head on the pillow and fall asleep.
Author- Wooowww, we got some Connor in this chapter! What do y'all think of their little friendship so far? of course had to get some Matthew, who do you think will confess first? 🤨😉

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