Chapter Eighteen

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I'm woken up by someone shaking my shoulder, I groan frustrated "whaaaattt" I say annoyed my eyes still closed "wakey wakey beautiful, time to get up" I hear Matthew say and I open my eyes and look up at him glaring at him " look like you wanna kill me" he says and puts his hands up in surrender "I was enjoying my amazing dream until a certain handsome person woke me up and maybe I do wanna kill him" I say resting my head back on his chest not realizing I just called him handsome until I said it, now I'm blushing 'good job Danny, you just called him handsome..' I think and he laughs a little "thanks..sorry for interrupting your amazing dream, what was it about tho?" he asks and I blush "uhh..actually now that I think of wasn't that great after all" I say and laugh a little nervous..cause I was actually dreaming about him. He laughs a little "mhm..okay" he rubs my back a little "but you did need to get up, Jess made some pasta too if you're hungry" he adds and I nod my head "yeah..I am hungry" I say as I get up and stretch he gets up too and slips his fingers between mine and brings me downstairs, we see Jess eating at the table "hey! there's some food, I hope y'all weren't sucking at each other's face's" she says and I blush and shake my head "oh shut it Jess! what about that one guy you want to suck faces with?" Matthew says and she sticks her tongue out at him and he laughs a little grabbing two plates and putting some pasta on them and grabs two forks handing me one of the plates and we sit at the table.

We all three talk, making some jokes eating and enjoying each other's company, after we ate it's now 7pm and me and Matthew go outside, he's currently chasing after me and I run around his backyard laughing and he finally catches me after five minutes and accidentally tackles me, we both fall and laugh like crazy people. "Oh my gosh!" I laugh "I told ya I'd catch you, I always seem to get ya, huh?" he says and winks, we lay there looking up at the sky enjoying each other's presence.

After about ten minutes I sigh "I really don't wanna go...but I kinda gotta" I say as I turn my head to him and he nods agreeing with me, he gets up and holds his hand out and I grab it. I quickly grab my bag from upstairs and he walks me to my car "I wish it wasn't a school night.." he says and I nod "me too" I smile and look up to him and he smiles back at me, we look into each other's eyes for a few minutes "text me when you get home, okay?" he says and I nod my head "okay" he leans down and kisses my forehead and opens my door for me and I hop on in and close it, I slowly back out and he waves as I drive away making my way back home.

I finally make it back home, I slip off my shoes and make my way upstairs and throw the bag somewhere in my room and plop on my bed, I grab my phone and start to text Matthew.
Me- I'm homeee🥱

Matthew- I miss you..🥺

Me- I was just at your house tho🤨

Matthew- I know..but I still miss you❤️

Me- whatever loserrr 🙄

Matthew- do you not miss me too??😢

Me- Nope😜

Matthew- ouch😒

Me- just kidding...of course I miss you too 🙃

Matthew- really?😏

Me- Nah, I just like messing with you 😉

Matthew- Wowww..I see how it is😞

Me- you're just clingy🙄❤️

Matthew- yes, I am..I wish I was with you rn❤️🥺

Me- okay then come here😏

Matthew- seriously?😳

Me- Nah😜

Matthew- whateverrr, I gotta help Jess clean...I'll talk to you later, Byeee❤️

Me- Bye stranger❤️
I sigh as I put my phone down and get up and go downstairs, I walk into the kitchen seeing a note on the fridge.
We both miss you, Danielle. We are both willing to wait as long as you need, we love you and are proud of you.
-love mom and dad<3
I sigh and open the fridge grabbing the jar of pickles and making my way to the living room, I grab the remote and scroll through Disney+ and decide to watch 'Lion King'. Half way through the movie I'm already finished with the jar of pickles, and that's when I hear a knock at the door I pause the movie and get up, with a confused look on my face. 'who could be here at this time?' I thought to myself as I make my way to the door, and open it.
Author- I wonder who that is...😏

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