Chapter Twelve

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"Are we there yet?" I ask looking out the window "almost!" he replies I look at him and he smiles at me then looks back at the road I blush a little. As we make our way there we listen to some songs, singing along to some.

Once we arrive I realize it's a trampoline park "no way! a trampoline park?!" I say excitedly, Matthew laughs as we gets out and I jump out very excited. He grabs my hand, sliding his fingers between mine and leading us inside. after we get our wristbands on we start jumping around, about an hour later we start playing tag running/jumping on trampolines "I'm gonna get you Danny!" Matthew yells and I just laugh "you can try!" I reply, a few minutes after being chased I trip and fall on my face on the trampoline, Matthew just laughs then plops down next to me still laughing and pokes my shoulder "got ya" he says I flip on over and lay on my back looking at him and sighing, he smiles at me and I can't help but smile back "I guess you did, but only because I tripped! but whatever" I say laughing a little "I would've gotten you anyways!" He says and gets up and helps me up as well.

After a few more hours of messing around it's time for us to leave. "That was so much fun!" I say smiling and giggling, Matthew laughs as he gets into the car nodding his head in agreement "yeah it was, but now it's time to do the next thing!" he says winking at me as he starts the car and I blush.

We arrive at the park and he grabs a bag from the backseat as I get out, soon he's next to me holding my hand as I blush, we start walking around and talk about random stuff, now we are talking about Minecraft. "Enderman is one of the coolest mobs!" I say and Matthew laughs a little "no way, creepers are!" he says and I shake my head "enderman can teleport!" I say looking up at him "well creepers can blow up" he replies and I laugh "yeah then boom they're dead! enderman don't die unless you kill them, plus they can drop pearls!" I say laughing a little and Matthew just shakes his head and laughs a little "well yeah, but creepers can kill faster then an enderman could, with one blow- boom! dead" he says and I roll my eyes "okay yeah they can kill faster than an enderman, but that doesn't make them betterrr" I reply "oh yeah? wanna bet?" he asks and raises an eyebrow I think for a second. "Hm okay, but you gotta catch me first!" and with that I let go of his hand and start running "really? this again? I'm gonna get you Danny!" I hear Matthew yell after me as he chases me and I just laugh.

After running for about ten minutes I start to feel a little tired "someone slowing down?" Matthew says as I run "nope!" I yell back and keep going "you can't run forever Danny" he says and I look back for a second while running more to see he's getting closer "maybe not, but I can try!" I say and laugh a little then I get tripped by a rock and start falling forward reaching my hands out so I don't fall on my face, my hands reach the ground and I roll myself on my back and just lay there as I see Matthew walking over and laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask annoyed that I fell and he just laughs a little more and sits down by me and taps my shoulder "got ya" he says and adds "you really gotta stop falling Danny, it makes it to easy to get ya" I roll my eyes at him and laugh a little "I guess I'll have to work on that" I sit up and we just sit there and it's silent but it's not uncomfortable.. it's nice.

I look up to see him staring at me and I laugh a little "take a picture it lasts longer" I say smiling then I see him grab something from his pocket and notice it's his phone "smile" he says and I roll my eyes and smile as he takes a picture "weirdo" I say "well you told me to take a picture" he replies and winks and I blush a little and push him over "whatever dummy" I lay back down and he lays down next to me as we look up to the sky watching it start go dark as the sun goes down. After about ten minutes of us just laying down looking at the sky I hear Matthew open the bag he has and takes something out "want one?" he asks showing me a bottle of water and I nod my head and he hands it to me "thanks" I say opening it and drinking it, he drinks some of his own and grabs two granola bars and hands me one. After we finish our snack we just talk a little just saying how nice today is and talking about school a little bit. half an hour later we decide it's time to leave, we get up and Matthew takes my hand in his and I blush and we walk back to his car.

-At home- "thanks for today, I had an amazing time" I say smiling as we walk up to my front door "no problem, I had a great time as well! we should definitely hang out again" he says and I blush "yeah, definitely!" I reply and now I'm at my door I look up at Matthew and smile "I guess this is it, I'll see you tomorrow" he says and smiles, I smile back "Bye Matthew" I say and he pulls me into a hug and I hug him back "Bye Danny" he says and pulls back then kisses my forehead and I blush a lot now, he chuckles then says "good night!" And I wave at him as he leaves, I quickly unlock the door and slide in taking off my shoes and locking it back up. 'Oh my gosh! He just kissed me..well on my forehead, but still! he's so cute- and Jess's brother, I told her we're just friends, which is true- but still!...I like him tho. I'll have to talk to her at school tomorrow' I think to myself as I make my way upstairs getting undressed and putting some sweatpants and a tank top on, I think about making a sandwich but decide not to and I brush my teeth and hop in bed. I decide to watch some Minecraft mod videos, after an hour I get a little sleepy and turn some music on and after about five minutes I fall asleep.
Author- sorry this took me a while to write, I was trying to think of ideas and yeah :) hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Matthew is such a cutie- just friends, huh? 🙄😜

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