Chapter Eight

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When I finally arrive to Jess's I get on out and knock on the door a minute later the door opens and it's Matthew. "Hey, I'm guessing you're here for Jess?" He says I nod my head "yep" I do a fake smile "She's upstairs in her room" he moves out of the way so I can come in "okay thanks, cya" I say and quickly make my way to her room

I knock on her door and she opens it and pulls me into a hug then drags me in and closes the door "Hello to you too" I say rolling my eyes and playfully nudge her "So what's up? did something happen?" She asks and I sigh "uh yeah, my parents were in the kitchen when I woke up, I'll give you the short story- basically I haven't seen my father in like 3 years and he thinks it's okay to come back and thinks I'm alright with it, he says he loves me but I don't know at this point and my mother said nothing, so I kinda just got mad at him then left went to the park, now here I am" I say and sigh covering my face with my hands "I just don't know what to do anymore with them..I don't remember the last time we celebrated my birthday or Christmas, or they even care about me anymore? It's always work, work, work" tears in my eyes I sit down on Jess's bed I remove my hands and lay down "I'm sure they do care Danny, but work isn't a good enough excuse for them to just leave you here all by yourself, I'm sorry but your parents seem kinda awful, you shouldn't be treated like that" Jess says and holds my hand giving it a squeeze "it's fine Jess..I've always liked to see my parents as good people..but they just leave me alone to often, I'd love to spend at least once a week with them.. but I just don't want anything to do with them right now... can we do something? Y'know to get my mind off things.." I say wiping my tears "yeah of course! how about we watch something? Anything you want" she says "divergent?" I ask and laugh a little she laughs as well "yeah sure, I have some ice cream too" she says getting up and dragging me down stairs.

I sit down on the couch as she quickly goes to the kitchen to grab the ice cream and two spoons, she comes back and hands me a spoon and grabs the remote and gets the movie ready then hits play.

Once the movies over we talk for about ten minutes then an idea pops in my head "hey, are you busy tomorrow after school?" I ask Jess thinks for a second "nope, I should be free- why" she raises a brow I smile "well I was thinking maybe we could hang out, go to the park walk around town maybe, then do homework together" she sighs when I mention homework "I like everything besides the homework part" she says and I laugh "but we gotta get it done anyways so might as well do it together!" She makes a pouty face then gives in with another sigh "fineeeee" I laugh and she joins in.

Two hours later, me and Jess have just been chilling in her room doing some karaoke, then she gets a call and answers it after a few minutes her smile turns into a frown and soon she hangs up and looks at me "Sorry Danny I gotta go, but you can hang out here I promise I'll be back soon- it might be like 20-30 minutes-" she sighs and grabs her bag "it's fine, I should probably get going anyways we do got school tomorrow" I say and grab my bag then we make our way downstairs we see Matthew "Hey matt I gotta go, mom called said she needed me" Jess says as he's on his phone not paying much attention to her "uh-huh be safe, cya" he replies "Bye Matthew! See you at school" I say and he sets his phone down to look at me "Yeah, Cya!" he says and smiles at me and I smile back putting my shoes on me and Jess exit the house. "I guess this is where we part ways, huh?" Jess says and hugs me, I hug her back "I'll see you tomorrow, Jess" I smile at her and she smiles back, I leave first and she waves as I leave.

A little later I'm back home and I don't see any of my parents cars, I sigh and make my way to the door and unlock it swinging it open I undo my shoes, close it and lock it back up, I make my way upstairs to my room and see a note on my bed, I pick it up and read it.
Dear Danielle,
                            I'm sorry for being rude and not considering how you felt about me being away, I'm a terrible father I know and I hope you can forgive me, I promise I do love you give me a call or text me when you wanna meet once your ready, I'll be waiting and I promise to try and make more time for you so will your mother, remember we both love you.
I sigh, I'm not sure how I feel right now- I'm just tired and I should probably get some sleep I think to myself. I make my way to the bathroom and brush my teeth and put my hair in a messy bun as I change my clothes to some sweatpants and a sweater, I go on my bed and pull the blankets over me and fall asleep.

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