Chapter Fourteen

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Once I arrive at home I lock the door and slip off my shoes sighing as I make my way upstairs, once I make it in my room I grab my book and start to prepare for my history test.

About an hour in I sigh 'this is boring..' I think to myself and yawn I get up and walk downstairs, I go to the fridge and grab the jar of pickles and some paper towels and I make my way upstairs, once I get back to my desk I set the jar down and open the lid grabbing a pickle and taking a bite. Another hour later and I close my eyes for a minute till I hear my phone beep, I check and see it's a text...It's Matthew.
Matthew- Hey, how's studying going?

Me- Hi! fine I guess..very boring.

Matthew- I you think you could answer the door?

Me- why?

Matthew- just answer the door :)

Me- Okay...
I get up from my desk and make my way downstairs, once I get to the door I unlock it and open it to see Matthew right there and a box in his hands. "Hey" he says and smiles and I smile back "hey there stranger...what are you doing here?" I ask and he laughs a little "welllll...I heard studying was boring sooo- I came here to give you some stuff, y'know to make it better even tho test's are terrible" he replies "aww thanks! that's so sweet..soo what exactly did you bring?" I ask raising a brow curious on what he brought, he opens the box and tilts the box so I can see what's inside "well there's some chocolate, all milk chocolate- I heard that's your favorite, some gummies, pickles, and some grapefruit- I also heard that's your favorite fruit" he says winking at me and I laugh a little "it is, thank you Matthew- would you like to come in and hang for a bit?" I ask smiling "don't you have to study?" he asks raising a brow, I move out of the way opening the door more for him "eh, I'm sure I can take a small break" I said smiling and winking at him.

He walks inside and I close the door locking it, we go in the living room and sit down on the couch "soo what do you wanna do?" he asks and I think for a few seconds "how about we watch a movie?" I suggest, he smiles "good idea, you can pick- just not divergent" he chuckles a little and I shake my head "okay Okayy, hmmmm how about Brave?" I say and smile as I turn the TV on going onto Disney+ "sounds perfect" he says I get it set up quickly run upstairs and grabbed a few blankets and came back down and threw them on the couch "gotta stay comfy" I say smiling and he laughs a little,I plop down next to him and get covered up in the blanket and we start the movie.

A little later I'm eating some pickles and Matthew puts his arm around me and I scoot myself closer to him resting my head on his shoulder blushing a little, halfway through the movie I close my eyes and fall asleep.
Author- Hellooo sorry I haven't posted..I got busy with a sleepover+laziness :) <3

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