Something sensible

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With Chase during all action after his kick

Chase kept walking through forest, going past Jakes' mountatin, Yumis' and Als' farms, having no ideas where he can go after all this hate on him. He still couldn't believe that his friends, who promised to be with him, support him, gave up from protestants' pressure and decided to save their own lifes. All their words before protest were nothing, but a lie.


Marshall: Ryder means that we'll support you during protests Chase. Anytime, anywhere.

Zuma: Somebody will think that you're a cop like one, who was showed in news, but in fact you're not!

Rocky: If you need some support, we're free to chat, don't be afraid. You're our leader, our friend. You helped us, we'll help you buddy.

Chase hung his head up with huge smile on his face as Skye spoke.

Skye: Remember, even when all trust you got will be gone, I'll still stand with you.

Flashback end

Chase shook his head trying to forget these words as he kept walking through forest. 15 minutes later as his journey lasted for 2 hours already and sun started setting down, he felt his stomach growling. However in part of forest where Chase was walking, there wasn't any bushes with berries. He looked around to realized another thing: he got lost. As fear started filling his mind, Chase looked around to check on bears. Luckily, there weren't any bears, so it calmed shepherd down. But another fear came out: fear of dying because of hunger and cold, fear of death like a stray.

With Skye

Skye was flying around Jakes' mountatin trying to find Chase, but no luck. She already checked whole town, Adventure Beach and canyon. Then Skye decided to fly to forest, where Chase was being. During her search, Skye also got concerned about correction of that idea: Chase could reject a request for reason. However, she was afraid that he'd be weak and passed out due to lack of energy as search lasted 2 hours already. Gasket and Marshall talked to her every 25 minutes to check on her, but every time they heard from cockapoo about no success in search. As long as Skye was flying above forest, the more desperate she was becoming. Many thoughts were in her mind: will she find Chase, will he help her, will he be together with her again. All of them were snapped as Skye spotted a brown dot on grass, momentally realizing what it was. She quickly landed on ground and ran to that dot, which became none of other than Chase.

Skye: Chase!! Is that you??

Chase: Skye?? What are you doing here??

Skye: Thank God I found you!

Chase: Let me guess! The decision of kicking me was bad huh?

Skye: Yes, it was. It turned into worse!

Chase: Into worse, but without me!

Skye: Chase, I won't fly away, thinking I wasted 2 hours for nothing!

Chase: But you did!!

Skye: Chase, please, you need to go back with me!

Chase: No, you backstabbed me and even if protestants will go away, I won't come back!

Skye (sobs): But you'll be dead!!

Chase (sighs): Better for me.

Skye sobbed and watched as Chase turned around and started walking away, but she resisted to give up.

Skye (sobs): Chase... Ryder's got shot!

These words made Chase suddenly stop and look at Skye.

Chase: He got shot?

Skye (sobs): Yes! One of protestants got him!

Chase then dove into his mind: this situation took an unexpected turn, and looked more comfortable for shepherd on his police rights. His owner got hurt and if he won't do anything, Ryder'll die and it will be Chases' fault. So he came closer to Skye.

Chase (sighs): Alright, I'll come back. But only for Ryder.

Skye (hungs her head): Ok.

Chase: What's wrong?

Skye: I want to apologise for... that betrayal. I promised you that I'll support you.

Chase: Glad that you understood your mistake (kisses her forehead lightly).

Skye (surprised): What the?

Chase: We'll talk about it later. You have enough fuel to get us back?

Skye: To Lookout? No. But to Jakes' Mountain - definitely!

Chase: Alright, let's go!

Then Skye activated her wings, grabbed Chase and they flew to mountain.

CHAPTER DONE!!! To be honest, this chapter is quite bad, but I hope you will like it. Write in comments about how good this chapter is! See you soon and stay safe )))))

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