Sidetracked Chapter 9: The Weight of Goodness

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Poorman Apartments
March 6th, 11:42pm

The Player stayed up past his self-appointed curfew writing in a book on the couch.

The pages were full of monthly notes on various home necessities: groceries, soap, laundry detergent, rent, female hygiene products, doggie pads, dog food, and so on.

After adding everything up the projected living costs were roughly going to be in the high 600 range.

The Player sits the book on the table and exhales through his nostrils.

He leans forward with his arms on his lap to keep him up and stares at nothing in particular. His expression was completely void of emotion, but his head was drowning in thought.

"Despite it all I still believe our greatest chance at stopping the Skull Heart lies with you. The bonds you're able to create are the key. You, Player, can save everyone from this cursed fate. Never forget you have that power."

Marie's words echoed in his head.

"...I am not my father."

The last thing that ran through his mind was Parasoul's bitter statement and cold glare.

Before long, he leans back on the couch and lays his head on cushion -- closing his eyes and trying to put the pieces together.

While lost in thought he could hear someone coming down the stairs.

It wouldn't be until he heard their footsteps coming into the front room that he opened his eyes to see who it was.

"Hey," Squigly greets him with a smile, Leviathan was up too.

"What are you two still doing up? It's almost 12."

"We should be the ones saying that to you since you have a curfew to keep," Squigly crossed her arms with a smug smile.

The Player tried finding it in himself to smile back, more than anything he wanted to, but aside from a weak incline from the side of his mouth he wasn't able to convincingly offer one.

He went back to laying his head on the couch.

"I'm guessing Filia and Samson are already sleep?" The Player asked, unmoving from his position.

"Yep. They went out like a light."


"...You okay?" Squigly asked, now walking over to the couch.

"Eh. Got a lot on my mind."

"Parasoul?" Leviathan wondered.

"Yeah, she's part of it."

Squigly noticed the open book on the table but doesn't make it obvious. She sees the list he made and took note of the concerning bump in spending for March.

She took a seat beside him and brought her hands together. "What's wrong? You know you can tell me anything."

"Honestly, if it's Parasoul you're worried about, I wouldn't stress that too much." Leviathan said. "The Renoirs have a really questionable history that I cannot bring myself to respect."

"I don't know the Renoir's history running this kingdom, but I know Parasoul. She's still my friend. I think. Before she left, she said 'I'm not my father,' and I don't know what that means. It's been in my head since and I just don't get it."

"King Franz." Leviathan scoffs in disgust. "She may not be her father, but she needs to stop pretending like it absolves her of her failures as a ruler. The Medicis are still at large, their influence just as powerful as it was 15 years ago."

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