Intermission: The Timeline

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A/N: What it do all you lovely people? Hope your day is going well. So after I got done scolding and laughing at myself for forgetting Valentine I thought I should really start to lock myself down on doing better to keep track of things and as I go back to take quick peaks at everything I've done so far I felt readers might be a little confused as to where and when everything takes place because one moment I'm not giving specific dates and then suddenly, in future chapters, I'm using months and days so to me it just looks very disorganized with occasional references to certain months when a special chapter rolls by, y'know, like for the Halloween special it was October 31st and such.

I made a timeline to help keep you all informed on when the chapters take place, using season, month, day etc but I can't use any years since we don't know what year Skullgirls take place, assuming it follows ours. Obviously the time frame is inspired by the 1940's but there's mention of advance technology in other lands and let's not forget we got cyborgs and futuristic cybernetic enhancements that is impossible to have around that time so there can't be any real judgement until we get clarification by Alex Ahad and the Skullgirls team. Skullgirls most likely has its own original cycle so yeah, but to keep things simple we'll just go by Year 0 to whatever as a way to establish when exactly a new year takes place.

Also I wrote in bold and italics for the events from the actual games to further give insight on when things in the story cross into the games narrative so bridging them together can be a bit easier. I'm only using characters we know about so far, so those who didn't appear(Beowulf, Big Band, Eliza, etc) are purposely left out. It's also because of this connections to certain characters already established can't be written either but that should all be cleared up later.

I really wish I could've used bullet points and use proper indentation but there doesn't seem to be an option for it on this sight so it may still look a little messy...unless there is and I'm just not doing it right, if so let me know how to do all that in PM's so I can get on that. For now let's see if this is passable, I never wrote a timeline so there's a first for everything.

- Year 0 -
Before Skullgirls

- Double gives Selene Contiello the Skull Heart as a gift.

- Black Dahlia and the Medici's massacre the Contiello family.

- Sienna "Squigly" Contiello dies.

- Selene Contiello uses the Skull Heart to wish for her family back and becomes the Skullgirl.

- Roberto Contiello requests Leviathan to protect Squigly.

- Squigly is revived by Leviathan and helps fights the current Skullgirl.

- The Grand War takes place, destroying the home of Marie and her best friend Patricia which would become No Man's Land.

- Nancy Renoir becomes the Skullgirl and Squigly remains asleep due to the events taking place in No Man's Land.

- The warring kingdoms join forces to stop Nancy's carnage.

- Nancy dies from the efforts of the allied nations.

- Marie and Patricia become slaves in a slave trade run by the Medici's.

- Patricia is violently mutilated for her rebelliousness as an example to the other children.

- Marie escapes her captors.

- Double's story from Skullgirls begins.

- Marie is given the Skull Heart by Double.

- Samson becomes Filia's parasite.

- Valentine and Peacock's origin story from Skullgirls mobile begins.

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