Chapter 3

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"You?!?" We both said in unison with wide eyes. Our family looked at us as it was expected but looked rather please that we still know each other over the years. We glared at each other as our family greeted each other like nothing even happened.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Austin shifted uncomfortably on my side as mom and dad greeted his parents along with his sister. I felt tears prick on my eyes and I excused myself to the bathroom. I quickly walked away and dashed to the bathroom and locked the door behind me as I let the tears fall down my cheeks freely. I took deep breaths as I processed everything in my mind.

I was so close to moving on from him and then now he showed up with his family. My family knew what he did exactly but why did my dad invited them to dinner anyway. I wish I was with Niall having the best time of our lives having fun and not caring about the world around us.

I was broke out of my thoughts with a knock on the door and a soft voice on the other side of the door. I reapplied my make up quickly and took a deep breath as I smoothed my dress down and slowly opened the door and I was met by his sister with an apologetic smile on her face. I smiled weakly at her as she opened the door engulfing me in a hug.

Sure I dated her brother but we never lost contact with each other. Gemma knew what her brother did to me but she played it cool when shes with him. She doesn't want her brother to think that shes on my side other than his but I'm grateful I met Gemma on the course of our relationship. Austin once admitted that he liked Gemma and I told Gemma about that when we were having dinner with them. Gemma was beat red as well as Austin. Sometimes I wonder if Gemma had a crush on my brother as well. But that would be awkward if they ever dated considering their sibling dated each other.

I felt Gemma stroked my hair as she shushed me and closed the door behind her. I didn't realize I was crying again when Gemma lifted my face and wiped the mascara off and applied a new set of make up on my face. I sniffled and stared blankly as she fixed me and soothed me with her voice. I wouldn't dare look at her because she looked exactly like him. Shes a girl version of him.

Gemma grabbed my hand as she finished applying make up on my face and dragged me out of the bathroom still holding my hand.

We arrived at the table and they were all sitting and laughing and chatting away. They didn't even noticed us slip on our chairs when Mrs. Styles looked at me with a bright smile on her face.

"Taylor, darling you look beautiful." She said as everyone's attention drifted to me making me feel uncomfortable. Gemma smiled at me and I smiled back. Austin, puts a hand on my knee as he rubbed circles on it making me less nervous. I looked at him and smile as a 'thank you' for being there for me. I looked at him but he wasn't looking at me. He was busy on his phone. I frowned but shook my head slightly and looked at Mrs. Styles and smiled as I shifted slightly on my seat.

"Thank you Mrs. Styles." I said shyly and blushed while tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. Everyone smiled at me except for him of course.

"Please call me Anne." She said and I nodded.

Everyone went back to their normal conversations. Until our food came. Mostly the adults were talking as the four of us either sat awkwardly or busy texting someone. Then dad looked at us with a glint on his eyes and said something that would change my life.


I was shock and embarrassed to see her and her family if you asked me. I wasn't looking forward to seeing them after what I did to their daughter. I was even more shock that her father was talking to me and hugging me as I stand like a statue with wide eyes and mouth agape.

Gemma followed Taylor to the rest room when she excused herself. As they left, her father looked at me and said "Prepare for whats going to happen next, boy." And then he left with Mrs. Swift on his side as we all sat on our chairs and me looking confused as hell. 

After a few minutes, Taylor and Gemma came back and sat on their seats. I was busy typing on my phone when I heard mum told Taylor she was beautiful. I looked up for a second then back on my phone pretending like I didn't heard what mum just said.

As our food came, we all ate in silence well except for the adults who was still chatting away. Then Mr. Swift looked at us with glint on his eyes and I knew exactly what it was.

"So Taylor and Harry, you're probably wondering why we brought you two together and considering Harry did something. . . inappropriate in the past. . ." Mr. Swift looked at me as he said and I shifted slightly on my seat, beginning to get uncomfortable and more confused. I looked at the corner of my eye and saw Taylor doing the same with her head down then Mr. Swift continued, "As I was saying, Des and I made an agreement for the Styles company to get back on track."

"So what do we have to do with this?" Taylor asked and we all looked at her. Mr. Swift glared at his daughter before continuing, "As for that one my dear, you and Harry were arranged to get married."



Hey guys, I would like to apologize to you all of you. I'm so sorry my update was delayed. I was busy and school was starting soon. I'm so sorry. I hope you liked this chapter. Don't forget to




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