Chapter 27

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Harry stares at the man in front of him in shock and anger. How dare he, shows up when his trying to look for his wife? Harry shakes his head and thought that maybe he was just imaging things. He stares at him and the man stares back with a grin on his stupid face. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Harry says angrily and he stood up on his feet and was about to charge up to him when the man spoke. "Im here to help you to get your wife back."

Harry stops dead in his tracks and stares at him a little longer than he intended to. He blinks rapidly, mouth agape. "What?" he looks at the ground confused. Was he one of Niall's little dimwits? If so why was he helping him now? Harry groans and looks up at him. "Why are you doing this?"

"I wanted to help you ever since. I was fooled by him and I thought I could save my family. He offered me a good money and I accepted without a second thought. I thought I was only gonna work in a little café he owned but I was wrong. I was told to kidnapped your wife who turned out to be my ex best friend. I regretted it but Niall threatened to kill my family if I didnt do as I told. So I did. Look im sorry Harry for doing this to you and your wife. I shouldn't have trusted him. Im really sorry. I promise to make it up to you. And by doing that is to save your wife now before something happens." he breathes out. His piercing blue-greenish eyes looks at him apologetically and Harry trusted him. harry knew he was telling the truth. He was forced into this and just did what he was told to do. I mean if I was in his shoes. I would possibly be doing exact same thing, Harry thought as he stares at the man who was looking at him guiltily.

Taking a deep breathe. Harry looked at him and nodded. His face broke out into a grin and started thanking him. With a flick of Harry's hand, he stopped. Then he pulls out something from his jean pocket. His phone.

He started talking and talking until he said goodbye to the person on the other line. Looking at him, he smiles proudly then says, "Everything's going on as planned."

Harry nodded but then he realized that he didnt know what plan he was talking about. He must have noticed his expression and said, "Don't worry. I'll tell you what you'll do when were on the way there." and he did.


The car ride was long and Luke had told Harry the plan. Police cars were already there waiting for them a few feet away from their target. The building was hard to have access to but with Luke on their side they knew that they would be granted easily. Harry was told to find Taylor while Luke and the rest would do their jobs. Kill when needed. Harry odded nervously but Luke had told him that he wont be going on his own. His friend, Michael, a red haired guy smiled brightly and assured that they will find Taylor in no time.

After what seemed like an eternity. They finally have arrived at their destination. Harry's hands were sweaty from being nervous and his heart was pounding in his chest. Taking deep breathes. Harry tried to calm himself. Michael must have noticed and walked towards a shaking Harry and whispered "We know your nervous, Harry. Don't worry, we'll find her in no time. You just have to have faith in yourself and us too." he knew he was right. Harry licked his lips nervously and nodded at him before he smiles at Harry.

"Great then. Come on. We need to go in now since Niall must have got home by now. Its already past 6." Michael says as he looks at his wrist watch. Luke quietly reminds them of what they were gonna do and they all nodded as Harry and Michael slowly walked up the stairs when they heard someone screaming. All of them quickly run up the stairs.

Harry's eyes darken at the sight as Michael and Luke quickly pulled Niall who was about to kick Taylor. His eyes darted to her sprawled out body as Niall tried to break free from Michael and Luke's grip.

"Taylor!" Harry elled as he crouched down on her level. Cradling her head on his chest. "Wake up baby. Stay awake for me. Please." Harry begged her as her eyes started to close. Tears were streaming down his face as Harry held her hand to his tightly. "Harry.." were the last words she said before she blocked out.

"Tay! Shit!" paramedics started to crowd them as Harry picked Taylor up and laid her on the stretcher. Wheeling the stretcher in the van, Harry sat next to her as paramedics hooked an IV on her arm. Holding her hand. Harry cant help but cry at the sight of her. He was finally happy to see Taylor.

Harry see Niall being held back by a cop and was forced in the police car as the ambulance drove away from the scene.


Its been hours since Taylor was in the emergency room. Gemma and Austin are sitting across from me. Harry have been pacing back and forth in the waiting room since they arrived. Harry was nervous and desperate to see and talk Taylor. Harry and Taylor's parents were already informed about Taylor. They promise to be here as soon as they can.

"What's taking them so long?" Harry groaned getting frustrated with each passing second. Gemma was leaning her head on Austin's shoulder as he had an arm around her shoulder as he rubbed her arm soothingly.

"You just have to relax, Harry. We just need a little time." a voice said from behind him. Their heads snapped at the direction of the voice and came face to face with grinning Louis.

"Louis?" Harry asked in disbelief. He tilts his head to the side and smiles warmly at the curly haired man. Austin smiles at his cousin and shook his hand as Gemma smiles at him weakly which he returned. What Harry didnt notice was he was wearing one of the coats that the doctors usually wears and a clipboard on his hand with his reading glasses on.

"Are you-"

"Yes im a doctor. In fact im your wife's doctor today. Since im the only available doctor at the moment." Louis cuts me off before Harry can continue and offered him a grin.

"I didnt know your a doctor." Louis rolls his eyes and pointed a finger at Harry. "I have a lot of secrets, Styles. And since im Tay's doctor for now. I might as well tell you what her condition is." he scanned the clipboard he was holding and looked up at the three of them and said, "There's good news and bad news. What do want to hear first?"

"Good....?" Harry said more like a question than a statement. Louis nods and smiles "The surgery that Taylor had was successful. She had an internal bleeding in her abdomen. So we have to get rid of the blood clot immediately before something happens to her."

"So what's the bad news then?" Austin says this time. Gemma and Harry nodded at him and Louis takes a deep breathe before saying,

"Taylor had miscarried."

Hi guys. Im kind of in a mood in writing right now. Hope you don't mind though. Hope yall like it and dint forget to




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