Chapter 9

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I woke up with someone else's head on my chest. I opened one eye and looked down only to see Taylor fast asleep on my chest with her arm draped around my waist loosely. I smiled and absentmindedly run my hand on her silky blonde hair. It was short, not like the long straight hair I had accustomed to back when we were dating. I frowned and sighed as I remembered why her family put a restraining order at me because of what I did to her. I looked back at Taylor as I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts that were about to flood my mind. She had a small smile on her face making her more angelic and beautiful than ever. I'm falling more in love as I spend more time with her. The fact that she held my hand at the music room last night send shivers running down my spine. The fact that she didn't budge when I wrapped my arms around her waist brought a smile on my face. I knew she was awake when I whispered that I still love her because I felt her breath hitch. I never regret saying it though.

I felt Taylor run her hand up and down my bare chest breaking me out of my thoughts. Her touch gave me goosebumps and I stopped twirling her hair on my finger when I felt her hold my hand and gave it a squeeze. I blinked rapidly and looked down to see Taylor opening her eyes. I shut my eyes before she sees me wide awake and pretend I'm still asleep. Then she started to talk, her voice hoarse from just waking up.

"I don't know why but I think I'm falling in love with you over again, Harry. But I can't. I don't want to get hurt again. I've been hurt too many times and I can't risk getting my heart broken into pieces after putting them back together. I'm sorry. But I just can't love you." My heart began to pick up its pace, willing myself not open my eyes. I continued to listen to her. "But apart of me wants to put my guards down and love you with so much passion but another part of me told me to run before its too late. To run away from you before I get my heart broken again." Then I felt her hand touch my cheek. Her hand so soft and gentle as it caress my cheek softly, afraid that I might wake up. "You don't know what I felt when I saw you standing there with your family and running away from you with your sister following behind me. The moment I saw you, memories started to flash back and I was scared, so scared that I might die from thinking too much. Then last night Niall decided to drink while I wait up for him to come home and apologize and tell him not to be jealous of you because I love him-" my jaw clenched a bit hearing her say that she still loves that creep who I once called my best friend. "-I was broken and hurt and thats when I called you to pick me up. To be completely honest I felt safe and protected when you came. I felt...special." This time I decided to open my eyes, she was looking out the window oblivious that I was already wide awake and listening to her rambled all along while she thought I was asleep.

"I'm sorry." I blurted out, she jumped from my sudden voice, scaring her. Good thing my arm was wrapped around her or else she could have fell on the floor.

"H-Harry. . ." Her eyes wide with shocked and embarrassment. I smile at her.

"I heard everything." Her face paled as she tried to get out of my grip but my grip on her waist became tight but not on the point of hurting her.

"You heard?" I nodded at her and her cheeks flushed. "Harry. . .I. ."

"You don't have to explain because I knew how much of an ass I was back when we were dating. I know you're scared of falling in love with me over again. I know you were trying to fight back the feelings and put your guards up so I wouldn't break and hurt you. But to be completely honest with you, Taylor. I regretted what I did to you a few years back. I wanted to die because I hurt you too much and it hurts to see you cry. I let my lust took over me and did something I regret from the moment I saw you crying on the corner of the room. Scared that I would do it again. I tried to apologize but we both know that apologizing is not enough to make up the mistakes I had done. Then the moment I saw you there at that restaurant looking breathtaking and beautiful as always, I knew that I still love you heck I never stop loving you. But when you yelled at your father about Niall I lost it and froze in my spot letting the thought sink in me. That you have found somebody else. I don't know why I agreed to this fake marriage but all I knew is I have to make it up to you and that I need to show you how much I love you and want to beat myself up for doing such things to you. I know it will take time for you to forgive me but please, Taylor. Let me show you. Let me show how much you mean to me and how much I fucking love you. Please. . ." This time she was looking at me, her eyes glossy from the tears she was holding back. We were sitting up on the bed now. My hands holding hers, afraid that if I let go she would run away and that I wouldn't see her ever again.

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