Chapter 30

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As Luke walked out of the room. He saw Michael and Harry talking quietly on the corner. Harry's eyes were bloodshot from crying and he was shaking violently that he have a blanket drape around his shoulders.

"Are you alright?" Luke asked once he was in front of them. Michael looks up and shakes his head. Harry remained sitting and crying silently while Michael and Luke walk away to talk privately.

"What you got?" Michael sighs and hands Luke a paper. He opened the letter without saying a word. He reads the letter and sighs. Putting it on his pocket. He looks at Harry silently.

"It sure must hurt knowing that his wife miscarried with Niall's baby. He even love the child which is not his." Luke exclaims with a shake of his head. Michael nods his head and pouts. He opens his mouth to say something when someone's phone rang. They both checked their phones but then a panic yet excited voice moved their attention to Harry.

"She's what?...okay I'll be there in 5...ok..bye." Harry jumps to his feet and Michael and Luke waits for an excuse. Harry looks at them and says in a hurry. "Taylor's awake and I need to be there now. I'll see you guys later. Bye!" then he was out of the room within seconds.


"Hi love." Harry greets, sitting down on the chair beside Taylor's bed. Taylor smiles weakly at him and motions for him to lay beside her. Harry smiles and nods sympathetically as he scoots next to Taylor. Wrapping his arms around her waist as she rests her head on his shoulder.

Harry sighs in content. Finally getting to hold Taylor after so long. "I killed an innocent person didn't I?" Taylor croaks a minute later. Harry frowns and tilts his head to take a better look on her. He lifts his hand and tilts her head to the side so he can make eye contact and her eyes were red and puffy as he met his.

"Love, it is never your fault why the baby died."

"But Harry. Its my fault that an innocent baby died because I wasnt careful enough to defend him/her." her lips quiver as she spoke. Harry pulled her in a hug knowing that Taylor would break down any minute now.

"Im sorry."

"Shhh...its not your fault. You were kicked and the baby died instantly. So please don't accuse yourself of killing a baby. Because none of it was your fault." he kisses the top of her head and Taylor nods, clenching her hand on his chest as she cried silently on his shoulder.

After a few corny jokes and trying to take the miscarriage of off Taylor's mind. She had finally let out a small smile and laugh and Harry knew he was making progress. He silently thanks himself and God for making her smile after everything that has happened.

"I want to go home." Taylor says as she looks around. Harry nods in agreement. They both knew how much they hated hospital smells and how everything is grey.

Harry sighs and shakes his head. "We can't. Doctors orders that you still have to be here for another month or so."

"A month?! Your kidding me right?!" her eyes widen. Taylor groans loudly, great just great, she thought sarcastically. Harry chuckles and kisses her head while rubbing his thumb on her arm soothingly. He kisses her head once more as they both drifted off to sleep.

Hi guys. This is just a filler. Its short, I know. I apologize but I promise I will make the next chapter longer. Hope you all like it. Don't forget to




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