Chapter 29

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"What the..." Harry pulled out a black and white photograph inside the box and stared at it with wide eyes. A neatly folded paper sat on the side of the box. Harry stared at it before putting the photograph down carefully on the bed. Afraid that it might crumple and unfolded the paper. Another letter from Taylor.

Dear Harry,

I am sorry to tell you that I am pregnant with Niall's baby. I am 4 months long. You know, it would be amazing if the baby is yours not Niall's. I still wish you are here with me throughout this pregnancy. I never wanted Niall to be the father. I wanted you to be the father of this baby. I wish it would be ours. I dont want them to be drag into this but if I ever gave birth to this baby. I wanted him/her to know that you are their father. I wanted my children to be yours. I wanted them to be ours. Harry, please dont be mad. I am really sorry. I wish you can forgive me about this.

All the love,

Harry felt numb after reading the letter. This is before Taylor got kicked by Niall and before they found her with the help of Luke and Michael.

Taylor knew. She knew that she was pregnant. And now she is bound to know that she had miscarried to her unborn child. Harry felt sick to his stomach that his wife had to go through this. With an asshole of an ex-boyfriend who never even cared about her.

He needed to go back to the hospital. But first he will go where the bastard is now.


"You son of a bitch!!" Harry stormed in the cell where Niall was sitting comfortably on his seat. His eyes went wide at the sight of an angry Harry. Luke and Michael was quick to hold onto his arms as they held him back from lunging at a scared Niall.

"You almost killed my wife!" Harry yelled, wiggling from Luke and Michael's strong grip.


"-She almost died and you are here trying to make lies to cover up your stupid mistakes-"

"-Harry thats enough-"

"-And if it weren't from you. The baby will still be alive." Harry whimpered, sinking to the floor as he cried. Tears were streaming down his face. Niall was frozen in his place. Eyes wide with tears threatening to fall.

"The baby will still be alive." Harry repeats. Michael and Luke looked at each other and shook their heads. Michael pulled a whimpering Harry out of the room while Luke stayed.

"I didnt mean to do it okay!" Niall said as Harry was out of earshot. Luke watched him. His hair disheveled. His eyes began to puff as tears streams down his face.

"I didnt know she was pregnant."

"Even so, you shouldn't have done that." Luke says, pulling a chair and sitting on it in front of Niall. "If it weren't from you kidnapping and getting Taylor pregnant at the process and ending up her having a miscarriage is something you shouldn't have done. You should have accepted that Taylor is married with Harry-"

"They were arranged to be wed." Niall cut off, looking down on his feet. Luke furrowed his brows at him. "They were arranged to get married?" he asks, Niall nodded his head and took a deep breathe.

"Taylor and I were still together at the time. We were forced to split up. We didnt know what would happen. Taylor told me everything what Harry did to her in the past and that moment I knew that I would protect her in every way. I didnt want her to be close to him.

"We were supposed to be going on a date when Taylor's father called me and canceled our date because their was something important that they needed to attend to then he just hanged up on me after that. Then after what seemed like hours. Taylor called, she was crying and told me to pick her up from the restaurant she was at with her family. I didnt asked any questions and just picked up my wallet and keys and rushed my way there. When we got home, Taylor told me everything. That she was getting arranged by her father and her asshole of an ex-boyfriend's father to get married so that the Styles could get their business back on track. It was all planned out.

"I mean who would even arrange your daughter to get married with her ex who they literally gave a restraining order? What gives? And for a fact that we were force to split up because of that." Niall says, his fists clenching to his side. Luke didnt even look surprise by the sudden confessions, he knew what Scott and Des were planning. Taylor told Michael all about it. He knew that Harry was an ass to her a few years back but he changed. He changed and he regretted what he did to her.

"But you cheated on Taylor. You kidnapped her and Harry for what? For revenge? Thats hilarious Niall. You shouldn't have done that to two innocent people." Niall scoff, Luke was trying his best not to punch him square in the face but he didnt want to get fired because he punched a criminal for defending his friends.

"Innocent? You think Harry is innocent? I dont think so. His a demon who took an innocent persons virginity because he cant keep his pants on! He literally played with Taylor's god damn feelings!" Niall yelled frustratingly.

"Do you even think that Taylor told you the full story about everything? She may be arranged to get married with Harry but they both got over it. They were in a new chapter in their life. They were happy until you ruined everything for them. They were finally trying to start fresh for their sake. But you. You ruined every single damn thing. Now look what happened, Taylor risked her own life just for Harry to be safe. She risked her own life because she doesnt want the people she loves gets hurt.

"And you know what hurts the most? Is that the person she once love killed her, not physically but emotionally. You killed an innocent baby and now she might be thinking that its her fault that she killed a baby who was innocent and got dragged into this. If Taylor wanted a baby. She wanted it to be safe from harm. She wanted it to be happy and healthy. But now, she might be thinking that she isn't even good enough to fight for her own child. That she wasnt worth it. That its her fault why the baby died.

"You should be ashamed of yourself, Horan. You never deserved to live." Luke spat and stormed out of the room leaving Niall alone hurt and thinking about everything that Luke said.

Hi guys. Decided to update again. Hope yall like. Dont forget to




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