Chapter 6

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Niall and I spend the rest of the day together baking, laughing, kissing here and there, making fun of each other and so much more. I finally got Niall to stop thinking about the whole fake marriage. I know its hard to let go when you love someone so much and it hurts to see them marry someone who doesn't even love each other. I get it. I love Niall with the bottom of my heart. I never want to hurt him but I know I have no choice in all this marriage. We don't have a say in this. And I mean we, as in me and Harry. Even we refuse to not be wed and hated each other. We still have no choice but to agree. I bet Harry agreed when I stormed off.

As I was thinking, I felt Niall wrapped his arms around me from behind and started kissing my neck. "Hmm?" I turned around in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I. Love. You." He said between kisses, I smiled and peck his lips as I played with his hair on the back of his head.

"Hmm. . . I love myself too." I teased and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"Haha." He laughed sarcastically then suddenly, my phone started ringing.

I looked at my phone which is on top of the coffee table and gave Niall a peck before detaching myself off him and answering my phone on the third ring.

"Hello." I answered not looking on the caller I.D

"Hey, its me Harry." Ok now I regret not looking at the caller I.D. I looked at Niall and he was looking at me with a confused look on his eyes as he walked towards me and sitting himself beside me on the couch. I set my phone on 'speaker' so Niall and I could hear him together. "I just want to let you know, that I agreed to this arranged marriage thing. That our parents set up." I cocked an eyebrow, probably not surprise about it all, I saw Niall clenched his jaw at the corner of my eye but I ignored him.

"Alright. I expected you to agree anyway." I shrugged, Niall looked at me and I smiled reassuringly at him before kissing his cheek.

"You did?" He sounds surprise but I wouldn't fall for his tricks.

"Yeah I did. Any problem with that?" I snapped. I probably caught him off guard.

"" He cleared his throat.

"Anything else?" I tapped my foot, wanting this conversation to end. I wanted to hang up on him right then and there but I wouldn't want to come off rude to him.

"Uh. . . thats it." I nodded and bid him goodbye and hanged up, not waiting for a reply. I put my phone down and sighed, rubbing my temples suddenly frustrated. I looked at Niall who was watching me intently.

"I'm sorry, I ruined our time," I apologize, he shook his head and pulled me in a hug, pushing my head on his chest. Hugging him tightly around his torso as he cradled my head with his hand. He started comforting and reassuring me.

"We could always run away, you know." He suddenly said, making me look at him with wide eyes. Leave? Is that even impossible? "I mean only if you want to." He added quickly, seeing my expression. I really wanted to but how about my family? His family? What would they think if we suddenly disappeared in thin air? What would happen if we leave? Would we be happy or not? I don't know what to say though. But I kind of like the idea of running away from everything with the love of your life but then I would get married and I don't want to disappoint my family about this whole 'run away' thing with Niall. I love Niall, yes thats absolutely true. But I couldn't just agree to it. Some part of me wanted to stay and the other was telling me to turn him down.

I looked at Niall and closed my eyes. "I don't know what to say." I sighed, he nodded and kissed my cheek. I probably ruined everything. "I'm sorry." I said, looking down and pulling away from him but not too far.

"Its not your fault. I should be the one who's saying sorry anyway." He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and I frowned at him.

"Please don't be mad." I said, holding his hands. He shook he's head and gave me an reassuring smile.

"I know what you're thinking." He said kissing my forehead before grabbing he's coat and walking out of the house. Leaving me alone,



I got home with a yelp, from accidentally hitting the vase which I caught and sighed in relief. Because I don't want mum to scold and give me another lecture about the pure porcelain and where it come from or how old it was. I closed my eyes and put the vase back on its original position before trudging to the kitchen, pulling out two tablets of Advil and a glass of water. Drinking the tablets in one go, I was startled by someone clearing their throat. I turned around only to be met with a pair of blue eyes.

"Oh. Hey, Lou." I nodded in his direction. He cocked an eyebrow at me before crossing he's arms around his chest. "What?" I asked, frowning slightly at him. He shook his head before walking out of the kitchen to he's room. Slamming the door shut.

I stared at where he was standing a few seconds ago and thought to myself.

"What the hell is wrong with him?"


Sorry guys for the short chapter. I know mom really sorry. And btw HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! Im hyper I know. Anyways. Hope you guys like this chap and don't forget to




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