Chapter 28

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"What do you mean miscarried?!" Gemma yells and Louis have to shush her up since a few people had looked up at them. Louis sighs and he knew Gemma was furious.


"Oh don't you Gemma me, Louis! What do you mean she miscarried?!" Gemma yells angrily throwing her hands up in the air frustratingly and ignoring the death glares that people were giving her.

"How long?" Harry spoke, finally getting his voice back and stopping Gemma from yelling further more. Louis sighs and stares at Harry for a bit before pursing his lips in a thin line. "4 months long." Harry felt like his world came crashing down on him. He didn't know that his wife would end up getting pregnant with Niall's baby. He wished it was him. That he was the father not Niall. Harry looks at Louis once more, his mouth shape in an 'o' as he tries to form a sentence. Austin must have noticed this and looks over at his cousin and ask, a little bit unsure, "So the baby is not, Harry's?"

Louis shakes his head sadly, knowing well enough that his cousin and brother-in-law did know about it but was unsure. And the baby was clearly not Harry's since Taylor's disappearance was about almost a full year. Harry was trying to control himself but he couldn't seem to stop and run off to Taylor's ward. Louis, Gemma and Austin's voice rang through the halls as they followed Harry.

Louis knew that he cant go in just yet. But he stopped Gemma and Austin from following Harry inside the room. Gemma peaked at the small window on the door and saw Harry kneeling beside Taylor, both of his hands wrapped around Taylor's. Gemma almost lost it when she saw Taylor's appearance. She has a bandaged wrapped around her head, and one on her left arm and as well on her hand. Austin and Louis started talking as tears rolled down Gemma's face silently.

Harry stared at his wife, she look paler than she ever was. Her soft blonde hair was sprawled out on her pillow messily and lifeless. She had an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth. Her chest, rising and falling slowly, her heart monitor was the only reason why Harry was holding onto her. For the fact that he knew she's still alive. Harry's grip on her hand tighten as he watched her sleeping figure.

A knock came in but Harry didnt look back to see who it was. Soft footsteps walks towards them and a hand resting on his shoulder making him looked up at the person. It was Luke. He was wearing a police uniform with Michael peaking from Luke's shoulder.

"Hi guys." Harry greets weakly, Luke and Michael smiles sadly at him and Luke and Michael stares at each other before nodding. Harry was looking at them blankly when Luke motioned for Harry to follow him and Michael outside. Harry hesitated to let go of Taylor's hand, scared that she might disappear in thin air "Come on, Harry. It won't take long." Michael says and Harry nodded slowly before standing up and giving a lingering kiss on Taylor's forehead before letting go of her hand.

Following them out of the room, the three of them stood in front of the door. Harry noticed that Gemma and Austin wasn't waiting or sitting on the bench in the waiting area. They must have went to the cafeteria or something, Harry thought. Louis was nowhere to be seen but Harry just shrugged his shoulders knowing that he was somewhere in the hospital. Luke and Michael shared a glance at each other. Harry was staring of to space, Michael sighed and got Harry's attention. "We found this in the masters bedroom." Luke said, handing him a thick brown envelope. Harry took it gladly and stared at the envelope, a messy hand written letters were sketched on the envelope and Harry instantly knew who wrote it.


Was written on the back of the envelope. Harry traced the letters with his index finger and looked sadly at it. "Oh and Harry, we found this too."

Michael pulled out something from his pocket, Harry was curious but kept his gaze on the envelope. Michael took Harry's hand and put the wedding ring on his palm. Harry stared at the ring on his palm and realized it was Taylor's. His eyes started to water and Luke seemed to noticed. "Well we better get going now. We still have a lot to do." Luke says as he looked at his wrist watch. Harry nodded his head and bid them farewell and thanked them for helping him find his wife.

Once they were out of sight, Harry entered the room and heard the heart monitor went dead. Harry quickly rushed towards her and pressed the red button as he tried to wake Taylor up. Doctors and nurses rushed in the room as they ushered Harry out of the room. Gemma and Austin were rushing there way to Taylor's room when they heard the alarm go off. Harry whimpers as he clutched the ring and envelope tight to his chest. Tears were streaming down his face as Gemma engulf him in a hug. Austin was pacing back and forth as he tried to get in the room but no such luck.

"Come on, come on!" Harry hears Louis yells from inside the room frustratingly as he electrocuted Taylor and Harry was keeping himself from crying. Then with another shot on Taylor, she finally had her heart beat back. Louis and the rest sighed in relief and Louis kissed the top of his cousins forehead. "Good job, Tay."

The nurses were filing out of the room with Louis following behind. Gemma jumps from her seat and grabbed Louis on his shoulders.

"What happened in there?" she asks with tears streaming down her face.

"She lost her heart beat for a moment there but don't worry gems. She's okay now. All we need is for her to rest and keep her from having another cardiac arrest." Louis says as he licks his lips. Gemma nodded her head and rushed in the room with Austin trailing behind. Harry was about to follow them when Louis stopped him and pulled him in a corner.

"What?" Harry asked anxiously, he just wanted to see Taylor after almost losing her. "Luke wanted me to give you this." Louis says and Harry takes the white box from Louis hand. "Dont open it till you get home." Louis says and walks out leaving Harry alone with the box -Louis recently gave- and the envelope with the ring on his pocket.


"Come on, Harry. You need rest. You Dont have to worry about us. We'll take care of Taylor while you go home. We promise." Austin says and Harry nodded his head hesitantly. After with much begging from Gemma and Austin for him to go home and rest, well lets just say they won. Gemma smiles before placing a kiss on her brothers cheek. Harry smiled and kissed Taylor on her forehead.

As Harry walked out of the room. Austin and Gemma bid him goodbye and promised him that they will call him if something happens. Harry nodded and left to go home to take some rest.


The car ride back to their house was painstakingly slow. As Harry stopped on his spot on the garage. He just kind of sits there. He stares at the steering wheel for a moment as tears started to roll down on his cheeks. His grip on the steering wheel was tight that made his knuckles turn white. He slams his fists on the steering wheel repeatedly as he screams in agony. Screaming for everything. He was sorry that this have to happened to his wife. He never imagined her to be the one to sacrifice her life because she doesnt want to hurt anybody. She would rather get hurt than see people suffer around her.

When Harry stop hittimg the steering wheel to get his anger and stress out. He wipes his tears away with the back of his hand and sniff as he collects the things from Luke, Michael and Louis. He stumbles out of his car and locks it before making his way to the door. He fumbles with the keys as he opens the door. Harry closes the door behind him before walking straight to the master bedroom and sits down as he flips the lights on and quickly laid the box and the envelope on the bed. He had put the ring on Taylor's ring finger a little while back before leaving.

Harry stares at the envelope before slipping the letters out. It was all from Taylor. How she had missed him and wished that she could see him soon. She also wrote a letter about how sorry she was that she was expecting a baby from another man. Harry didnt blame her, it wasnt her fault that she got pregnant with Niall's baby. He reads the letters very carefully. Afraid the he might miss a single word.

After a few hours of reading and wiping his tears. He finally came across with the box, Louis gave him. It was a pure white box with a tiny red bow on top. He unlids the box and was shock to see what he wasnt expecting to see in his life.

Hi guys. Pardon me for not updating. Exams are coming up next week and i need to study for it or else my parents are gonna be furios and i hate it when their mad. Anyways, hope you like it and dont forget to




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